5 Major Benefits of Drip Marketing

by Jul 17, 2019Marketing CRM

Office24by7 provides the best Drip marketing automation software tool in India

Drip marketing is an automated set of campaign flow over Email, SMS, Voice and Push notifications based on timelines or the user’s response. It automates the marketing and nurturing process to drive the prospects through the sales funnel and complete the conversion. Routine communication like welcome emails to new subscribers, thank you mails and set of mails for bringing back the fallen off leads, etc. can be automated and accurate flow is ensured by the drip marketing.

To know more about what is drip marketing and why it is important.

Here, we will discuss the benefits of drip marketing.

1. Automatic Lead Nurturing

 One of the main concerns of all marketing departments is effective nurturing. Drip marketing takes the lead nurturing to the next level with comprehensive solutions compared to email marketing services.

The main aspect of lead nurturing is timely reaching out to the lead with the right information and subsequent engagement according to the lead’s status change across the sales funnel.

Drip marketing, with the multi-channel and multi-action plan to deliver the message timely, ensures the lead is driven through the sales process. Mind you all of this is without any human intervention.

From the moment a lead is captured, the campaign flow gets triggered based as set in advance.

2. Improved Engagement

Drip marketing software with its capacity to timely delivery of the most relevant message without any physical intervention generates more revenue than other email campaigns.

Its ability to deliver information prospect or customer is looking for automatically leads to better engagement.

Drip mails have far better click rate compared others, as these are triggered by user reaction and the relevancy is higher.

Since the mails are triggered or based on user behavior, you need not do anything special to gain user attention. Your mail automatically strikes a chord with the user and all mails become highly responsive.

It also significantly reduces the reaction time, giving you the advantage of the first respondent.

Drip marketing with its automatic delivery of emails transforms the customer engagement and brings in greater efficiency.

 3. Time, Efforts and Resources are Saved

Another major benefit of drip marketing includes the complete automation of the campaign flow.

You don’t need to create individual mails or send it manually to different leads. The mails are initiated based on the user response according to the flow designed in advance and the campaign runs without any intervention or hindrance.

It not only saves time and energies but also enhances the marketing team efficiency as they could spend the same time analyzing the performances and devising better plans to improvise the campaigns.

4. Increase in Retention, Upselling and Cross-selling

 Drip marketing not only speeds up the sales cycle but also causes high retention, and opens the doors for up-selling and cross-selling.

Relations with a customer shouldn’t end with a sale or conversion, that should form the basis for lasting association, even if you are a single product brand.

Whether it is second purchase, recommending it to friends and family, or if it is subscription-based and requires renewing regularly, the drip marketing is effective to send automated emails to for the purposes.

In a way, the lead nurturing takes places on the back-end continuously for lead conversion, retention, cross-selling and up-selling.

5. Easy post-sales engagement

Drip marketing also provides for easy engagement post-sales closure. Whether it is taking feedback, or keeping the customer abreast of latest updates, or latest releases, you can automatically send the emails to customers to create a brand value and increase the brand recall.

With the customer basic details, you can also reach out to the customers on the special days with tailor-designed offers or to simply wish. All these can be automated creating valued relations on the way. Office24by7 provides the top automation software tools in India. Visit now today.

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