Best Mobile CRM App for Efficient Communication and Sales

by Nov 9, 2022Cloud Telephony

Mobile devices play a significant role in engaging consumers in our fast-paced world. Companies across various sectors actively seek the best mobile CRM app, yet some encounter difficulties in embracing mobile strategies, prompting businesses to investigate how they can seamlessly incorporate these innovations. Especially for sales teams frequently working remotely, a mobile CRM is essential. Embracing mobility requires careful planning and a fresh outlook. In this article, we are exploring why a mobile CRM system is indispensable for the success of any business organization.

What is Mobile CRM and Its Benefits

Implementing a Mobile CRM starts with learning the dynamics of the sales team and how they operate. The CRM tools allow users to constantly monitor all negotiations, progress, and updates. It’s crucial to choose suitable mobility alternatives to maximize the efficiency of the sales force and minimize any bottlenecks. Let’s see some of the mobile CRM benefits :

Organizational Benefits

When chosen carefully, a mobile CRM system may serve as a solid means of simplification and efficiency. A customer relationship management (CRM) system may be used at every level, from initial planning to post-meeting follow-up. In this article, we’ll look at a few of the upsides companies may use.

Higher Efficiency

Productivity gains are one of the most noticeable advantages of mobile CRM in India. The value of this office CRM system will be readily apparent to businesses. The sales cycle may be reduced since the whole process has been optimized. The sales staff may access all necessary resources, including the mobile CRM and the process, via their mobile devices.

Proactive Sales

Mobile sales solution help you sell more stuff effectively. You’ll be able to assess your sales team’s performance better and see trends in your data. With the help of mobile sales solutions, businesses can track and evaluate sales success in real time. Companies may utilize this information to provide their customers with more relevant cross-selling suggestions.

Effective Customer Assistance

Salespeople may concentrate on improving customer connections, while a mobile CRM handles mundane duties like data collection. The technology’s ability to automate formerly manual processes is quite helpful. It’s because to them that sales representatives can spend less time on mundane tasks and more time cultivating meaningful connections with clients.

Rapid Follow-ups

A salesperson’s day often doesn’t finish until they’ve followed up with everyone they’ve spoken with that day. The mobile sales solution will mechanically streamline and place customer data in the appropriate folder. The post-sale process will be much more streamlined and straightforward because mobile CRMs can connect with many other systems.

Continued Communication

Phones allow field sales agents to communicate with staff members no matter where they may be located. They can get their jobs done without the use of a computer. In this manner, we can ensure the delight of our customers wherever we happen to be. Because of push alerts, field agents may quickly respond to client issues. There will be a more significant number of responses, which will improve the quality of service provided to customers.

Communication Integration

Sales staff engage with clients through several channels. There are occasions when one consumer connects with salespeople from several platforms like social media, website chatbots, messaging applications, emails, or phone calls, based on their convenience. Customers prefer any of these channels depending on their needs at any given moment.

Read our new blog post about lead generation to identify the benefits it will bring to your company.

CRM on the Go: Obstacles and Options

Getting the best mobile CRM app up and running will not be simple. It raises problems that will need creative thinking to resolve. Okay, so let’s talk about the main problems and potential solutions.

Motivating the Group to Accept Change

Getting everyone on your team to use a mobile CRM solution might be challenging. While mobile CRM can make life easier for your staff, it might be a lot to take in initially. One way to fix this is to have a detailed plan to implement it. The first step for businesses is to raise consciousness about the system, and the change must come from the top. Groups will begin sharing what they know about a subject to improve their collective expertise.

Protection of Private Information

Uploading sensitive information into the cloud or migrating to a new mobile CRM system might raise privacy and security concerns. This is why most individuals want to keep their data exclusively inside their private network. The only way for organizations to guarantee the safety of their data is to implement a reliable customer relationship management system. A streamlined migration from your server to the cloud is possible with a unified mobile CRM solution like Office24by7.

Learning to Use New Technology

Despite appearances, moving a sizable amount of data from one system to another necessitates not just a lot of time and bandwidth but also a lot of work. In addition, employees have to be given time to adjust to new technology. For some companies, training their staff to use mobile CRM effectively might take several weeks or months. Businesses have a lot of concerns about the time and money involved. The return on investment (ROI) for CRM systems averages $9 for every $1 spent. If you execute it properly, the benefits will more than justify the investment of time and money.

Administration of Integration

Practically everyone wants the advantages of mobile CRM software. Certain individuals, however, are concerned about the system’s holes. Most companies are concerned about CRM integration since it is the one possible gap. Since modern businesses rely on various platforms, mobile CRM software connectivity is crucial. You may put your trust in Office24by7 and forget about any of those concerns. Our CRM may be simply connected to other systems.

Miniaturized Displays

The display size on a mobile CRM system is a source of concern for certain salespeople and companies. You don’t need to worry about the display right now since you have the CRM everywhere you go. A mobile sales solution has all the functions despite the smaller screen size and is useful no matter where your salespeople are.

Essential Components for a Successful Mobile Sales Platform

Let’s ensure your best mobile CRM app has all the essential functionalities like:

Deal Management On the Go

No matter where they happen to be, a salesperson must have instant access, at all times, to complete and accurate data on their clients and potential clients for effective deal management. A mobile CRM system should provide a complete picture of each contract and its associated information. Additionally, real-time alerts are an add-on advantage with a dependable CRM like Office24by7. With a mobile CRM, you may send emails and messages instantly from anywhere.


It’s a major pain to look for a number, copy it, and type it into the phone. However, this is where a CRM tool comes in handy. With the click-to-call function, placing a phone call is as simple as clicking a button. The user may make a call straight from their mobile device. Simply dial the customer’s phone with a click and talk to them using your company’s contact information.

Bulk Campaigns

There may be moments when you need to communicate with your prospect subtly. Registering with the DLT is simple, and sending the message is a breeze with our Office24yb7 CRM. You may even conduct a mass campaign if you want. The mobile sales solution boosts business efficiency by allowing for simple, anywhere-accessible client service.

Geolocation Tracking

Office24by7 is one of the few that provides geolocation tracking functionality. When a salesperson uses this feature, data about nearby customers will automatically populate from Google Maps, making it easy to the next within the vicinity. If a salesman has a meeting canceled in a certain place, he or she can easily find other nearby contacts, and their location information will be updated in the database.

Greater Cooperation

It’s crucial to be able to transfer calls. If a client calls with a new question and the sales rep has no clue how to answer it, they may easily hand over the conversation to someone who knows. Route the call to a different division, the team leader, etc.

Insights in Real Time

Track a week’s sales and your team’s performance in real time. The sales staff may improve their efficiency and awareness of key indicators with this real-time information accessible on the go, right on their mobile devices. Using a variety of perspectives, your team may compile reports for upper management. In addition, Office24by7 CRM offers a plethora of additional KPIs.

Ability to Work with Multiple Devices

What good is a mobile CRM if it can’t be used on all mobile devices or operating systems? It’s safe to assume that not all sales force members will use the same mobile device. Having a customer relationship management system that works across several platforms is crucial. Currently, most of the most cutting-edge CRMs are accessible across various platforms. Any way you slice it, this is information that companies need to have before making a purchase.

Easy-to-Use Layout

It shouldn’t be difficult for salespeople to learn and use the mobile CRM app. The primary purpose of a mobile CRM system is to make their jobs simpler, and that is precisely what it should accomplish. The in-field sales force needs a user-friendly interface. They cannot afford to disregard it.

How to Maximize the Efficiency of Mobile CRM?

Let’s analyze why and how the best CRM for outside sales reps might benefit your company’s sales force.

Transparency in All Aspects of Sales Process

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in companies’ internal communications. Management can always be on top with a mobile CRM, and internal communications and client partnerships will benefit both. It ensures that all employees use the same tools, giving them visibility into the company’s inner workings. Employees get a deeper comprehension of their roles, and consumers appreciate the individualized attention they receive.

Learn What You Need

Try to address the necessary questions, like the company’s needs, features required, etc., to assess the mobile CRM tool you require. Businesses should calculate the ROI of a mobile CRM solution before investing. Use a mobile CRM like Office24by7, which helps you achieve more productiveness, savings in administration expenses, and proper communication lines. With best mobile CRM software, salespeople may use their devices to attend meetings and conventions, access and share documents, access the CRM control panel and all associated reports, resolve problems experienced by customers, etc.

Initiation in Stages

Typically, businesses would roll out CRM to their staff gradually. Businesses can use same strategy when introducing mobile CRM automation software. Companies should start with the C-suite executives and work their way down. Managers and executives should be brought on board when the CEO and other senior management comprehend its usage and get used to it.

Start Immediate Use

The marketing, sales, and support departments are the public faces of every business. This population will undoubtedly make use of mobile CRM system. But that’s not all; it’s also crucial for the rest of your company’s staff to access this information. In the post-pandemic era, employees are free to work from wherever. They may accomplish their jobs from any location that suits them. Equipping them with the mobile CRM app in this situation would be helpful. 

Appropriate Equipment Utilization 

The most recent CRM systems have a mobile sales solution, which is a huge advantage. This allows them to take CRM software with them wherever they go, giving them instant access to all their connections and customer information. Salespeople may access detailed customer information, such as their purchase history and service requests, and utilize it to better serve their customers.

Top Mobile CRM Apps in 2023

Let us take a deeper look at the best mobile CRM apps in the market that you can depend on.


The mobile sales solution Office24by7 is among the finest available. It is an effective companion for a company’s marketing and sales departments. Office24by7’s sales automation tool may be a reliable partner if you need a mobile CRM system that will aid you in selecting the most effective campaign from the available options. The benefits of this CRM system include its ease of use, robustness, adaptability, and integration capabilities. That program can be integrated with your current sales procedures.

Office24by7 Mobile CRM solution is known for its features like easy access to the CRM database, capturing precise geographic positions, click-to-call, tight scheduling, collaboration, report customization, analytics, contact management, follow-up reminders, etc. 


Since its inception, Freshsales has been a trusted piece of software for sales professionals in the field because of its intuitive interface and ability to streamline the management of an otherwise daunting volume of leads. Leads may be followed up on, captured, distributed, and nurtured. It also offers analytics that may be used to extract data and organize reports. Freshsales provides benefits like day-to-day planning and management of tasks, data management, arranging and scheduling meetings, automatic alerts, etc.

Zoho CRM

Regarding lead and contact management, Zoho is one of the greatest options out there. It’s packed with useful functions and packs a serious punch. All relevant data can be accessed and analyzed, processes can be automated, assignments can be assigned, and the sales process can be streamlined. The data you need to track sales is easily accessible. You will get features like real-time data retrieval from the CRM, in-the-moment dashboard data updates, and daily scheduling and management.


Pipedrive offers several advantages for your company. Effective lead management, streamlined sales processes, dependable data collection and analysis, and tailored reports are just some of the many upsides. This CRM tool is lightning-quick, intuitive, and feature-rich. With Pipedrive, offline use is possible as well. There is no requirement for an internet connection to access the most recent data sync.


Without question, Salesforce is among the best and most well-known CRM systems available today. It uses cutting-edge automation technologies to help you make the most of your CRM data and optimize your operations. Your leads’ data, interactions, and progress can be monitored in one convenient location.


Always seek a mobile sales solution that may assist in expanding your company. So, do you want to have a similar thing? Then you need the assistance of Office24by7. Regarding mobile CRM, we have the greatest solution for businesses and field salespeople anywhere.

Just drop your details in our ‘Get Quote’ form, and we will get back to you.

Don’t have patience and don’t want to wait? Just call us at +91 7097171717 or email us at

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