by Jul 28, 2021Marketing CRM

Email marketing has several advantages.

Who do you contact when resources are limited, funds are tight, time is short, and conversions are required? Who do you send, or, to put it another way, who do you send? (Because, honestly, who makes phone calls these days?)

You communicate by email.

Or, at the very least, you should. Because your company can’t afford to overlook the importance of email in terms of marketing. In today’s world of internet-first businesses and eCommerce, the benefits of email marketing mean you might be losing out on a slew of chances to increase traffic, target high-value audiences, lower acquisition costs, and raise overall income.

Still don’t trust us? Keep reading.

Create trustworthiness

Emails with a dodgy subject line or from an unknown source might feel like spam. Customers typically discard these emails because they just don’t seem right.

For some consumers, one emoji is enough to make them smile and click. Others may be prompted to look for the unsubscribe link by the same topic line. You must adapt your material to meet the needs of your viewers. Knowing your readers’ interests and requirements ensures that your email is viewed rather than ending up in the spam bin.

Customers will know which emails they’re signing up for and how often they’ll be receiving emails from you if you create a permission-based email list with a checkbox for users to opt-in to your mailing list.

One of the most cost-effective ways to engage customers is through email marketing.

Few marketing techniques can equal email in terms of cost-effectiveness.

There is no charge to send an email or have someone click on it, unlike sponsored media. Unlike social media, there is no cost to boosting your emails and ensuring that they reach the bulk of your contacts. Unlike SEO, you don’t have to wait for sites to rise in the rankings to generate visitors, which wastes both time and money. There are no printing or postage expenditures, unlike print media.

There is some overhead in developing email campaigns and building contact lists, but these expenses are far reduced when compared to other marketing approaches.

Also Read: What is Email Marketing and What Are the Benefits of It?

Send messages to specific people.

Most marketers would gladly pay to ensure that their money was only going to those who were interested in their brand. However, email marketers may take it a step further by delivering emails solely to subscribers who satisfy particular criteria.

If a franchise only has an offer available in specific parts of the country, it is simple to arrange for emails to be delivered solely to those who live in those regions. If there is a deal on sporting items, only those who have expressed an interest in sports will receive an email. Brands that want to learn more about their subscribers may use email list segmentation to their advantage.

Increase sales

According to the Direct Marketing Association, 66% of customers have completed an online purchase as a result of receiving an email marketing communication.

When you use email marketing software to promote your brand, you provide your customers the option of making a purchase straight from their phone or laptop.

Email marketing may help you sell to prospects, increase referrals, upsell to current customers, and even re-engage consumers who haven’t bought from you in a long time. The more relevant and focused your email content is, the more probable it is that the reader will respond.


Not everyone who joins your email list is ready to make a purchase. You may utilize email marketing to stay top of mind while giving them the most relevant instructional information.

Make sure to include unambiguous calls to action.

Remember, if you’re wasting your audience’s time (and inbox space) with another email, it has to be worthwhile. Think about what you want your email recipients to get out of it.

In most situations, a call-to-action (CTA) will be included to encourage them to take additional action.

Don’t overwhelm your email contacts with too many choices. There should be a specific action you want the reader to take for each email you send.

Email marketing helps with SEO.

Email marketing makes optimizing your SEO efforts a breeze. We’d even go so far as to claim it’s one of the most underappreciated SEO strategies. Particularly if you have a huge list of contacts.

As we’ve seen, email is a powerful tool for disseminating content and attracting quality visitors to your website. Increased traffic means higher SEO, which is one of the benefits of email marketing. Even though email marketing has no direct impact on Google or Bing’s algorithmic search results, it may aid in the creation of backlinks to your site, which is an essential SEO ranking element.

Increasing the number of visitors to your website

Emails are an excellent method to encourage people to visit your website. Within the body of your email, you can include relevant connections to your website. You may also use email campaigns to encourage clients to interact with additional valuable material on your website or blog.

A local design school, for example, may send out emails informing people about a new design class with a limited number of seats. If they hadn’t refreshed the website in time, many of their customers and potential prospects may have lost out on this opportunity to join the program.

Why email marketing is effective

Email marketing, unlike some other marketing platforms, allows you to communicate with your consumers on a regular basis. A simple “Thank you for subscribing,” a cheerful “Welcome on board,” or a heartfelt “Happy Birthday” email may be a simple and effective approach to show your clients that you care. Customers like it when a company considers them as an individual rather than a number.

A/B Testing is a method of comparing two options.

In the setting of email, A/B testing is the practice of sending one version of your marketing to a subset of your customers and another version to a different subset of consumers with the objective of determining which version of the campaign gets the best results.

Simple A/B tests include sending several subject lines to see which one gets the most opens, while more sophisticated A/B tests include comparing totally different email templates to see which one produces the most click-throughs.

Take advantage of email marketing’s advantages for your small business!

The main conclusion is that you should keep in constant contact with your clients and prospects. In today’s environment, corporations are expected to do exactly that. By cultivating a mutually beneficial connection between your business and your email subscribers, you can meet those expectations and more with email marketing.

Assess Your Outcomes

It should come as no surprise that this is the case. Everything we do as marketers is measured. Being diligent about each important measure will allow you to make minor adjustments to your emails that have a big impact. In a moment, we’ll go through the specific KPIs to keep an eye on (or you can simply jump ahead)

We’ll look at what’s involved in developing your email list now that you know how to create an email marketing plan.

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