Difference Between Cloud Telephony and Old PBX Systems

by Feb 26, 2018Cloud Telephony

Difference Between Cloud Telephony and Old PBX Systems

If your business communication tool has a web of copper wire, occupies a significant space in your office and requires special maintenance, you are using a legacy old PBX system with limited features. The good news is you can replace it with a new, better and more efficient technology.

Cloud Telephony is a new communication technology powered by VoIP.The server system is located in the provider’s data center instead of your office. It requires no physical presence on your premises and no additional maintenance cost. In Cloud Telephony, voice and data are transferred over the Internet and a third-party provider like Office24by7 hosts the infrastructure. Cloud Telephony service providers can offer a bunch of services that companies access over the Internet using a friendly interface. If you are new to the concept of Cloud Telephony and wondering how it can help your business refer to our blog “What is Cloud Telephony” for an in-depth understanding.

Here’s a list of the major differences between Cloud Telephony and the conventional PBX system.


Cloud Telephony allows you to monitor the entire communication in the organization that takes place in multiple regions and departments, and manage it on one screen. With advanced features like post-call surveys and analytics reports in Office24by7, you can track the individual performance of every employee in the department.

Cost effective

Whether it is installation or maintenance, the amount you spend on Cloud Telephony is minimal when compared to on-premise PBX machines.  It is cost effective because it requires no physical presence, so no upfront cost. Secondly, the infrastructure is hosted at the provider’s office so you incur no maintenance cost. The best part is when you switch to this service you can save money and invest in growing the business.


Adding more number of phones or channels is easy and requires no additional investment. As your business grows you need not think about the effectiveness of your automation communication tool. Cloud Telephony is designed to meet every condition your business can face. Office24by7 can help you increase or reduce numbers, extensions or locations within the tool whenever you need.


You can trust Cloud Telephony in case of adverse situations like power cuts or natural disasters. As the infrastructure is hosted in the service provider’s premises and they take special care to provide a seamless service through backups, you can relax your doubts about trust. Office24by7 provides its customers a continuous service without any glitches so that your customers can reach you when they need it.


Cloud Telephony gives you the freedom to communicate with your customers from all devices that have Internet access like your smartphone or tablet. You can make and receive a call irrespective of your location and serve your customers efficiently. Office24by7 provides you with a user-friendly interface to help you interact, record and analyze in one platform.

The immense benefits of Cloud Telephony are working wonders for companies by automating the customer communication process, minimizing the labor force and analyzing the performance of employees in a 360 degree. Office24by7 is helping small, medium and large businesses achieve their goals of creating happy and loyal customers by providing end-to-end Cloud Telephony services in India.

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