Cloud Communications to Boost Your Sales

by Apr 26, 2018Cloud Telephony

Cloud communications to increase sales | Office24by7

Can sales increase in your business by retaining customers? Yes, but to do it consistently, what’s the important thing the businesses need to have? Communication and convincing skills? Or product knowledge? Though the businesses are efficient with the above, they often fail to grow their sales rates. No matter with which of these, your business is efficient. The most important tactic to enhance your sales growth is to have a redundant cloud telephony solution. Not only for established entities but even for startups, is cloud communication solutions an affordable and sales-productive option.

Here are the seven ways that prove cloud telephony is the best-fit option to boost your sales productivity:


No Missed Deals

The biggest disadvantage of every business team is not dealing with every incoming business call. And this missed lead could be a missed prospective business deal. So, to set it right, the business team should attend every call with utmost concern and follow up the lead for further proceedings. Not doing so by missing a call and being late to follow up could help you discover that you have laid the foundation for your competitor with a prospective opportunity.

Hence, cloud telephony is the best-laid solution if your business is turning to call management software to handle this concern efficiently. It is a tailor-made platform for businesses to streamline cloud communications from a 360-degree angle. All inbound business calls can be routed based on agents’ availability and varied parameters as per convenience. Additionally, to miss not a single potential opportunity and to notify every business call, voice-mail integrations/ auto-responses like SMS, email, call back, and call forwarding features are incorporated.

Office24by7 offers a mobile app for its inbound and outbound call center software to track your entire field sales team operations activities and help analyze their performance.


Evident and Engage Customers 

Another beautiful feature incorporated in the cloud communications platform is call recording. It enables us to play back the sales call to make a note of important scenarios. It is not only about the communication skills or the conversational aspects; call recording will help you to sort out the portfolios of how the prospectus has outlined needs emphasized, giving you the option to prepare a sales team script to grab the success chance.

Apart from that, Office24by7 cloud telephony solutions incorporated call monitoring features like whispering, barging, and snooping to help business development managers pay attention in real-time to the agent–customer discussion. Enable managers to monitor call conversations, train agents, refine sales pitches, and focus on what works. These performance monitoring features provide accessible call details and insights that will help you track the efficiency of marketing campaigns.


Track ROI

The flexibility of cloud telephony solutions is the ease of configuring with the virtual number. So, assigning individual virtual numbers to different marketing campaigns across channels like ad-words, print media ads, commercial outlets, etc., gives you knowledge on how the caller found your business and lets you tailor actionable insights per requirements.


Filter Prospective Opportunities

Every business dreams of exploring its team to focus on the core potential leads. To do so, the leads must be filtered before your agents take up the call. IVRS Solution does that for your business efficiently.  Through this, you can efficiently boost callers to reach the right departments by giving them prompt recorded options. This way, callers can be filtered by their queries, seemingly maximizing your agent’s time interacting with prospective callers.


Relevant Interaction

A multi-level IVRS solution comprises an intelligent routing system that facilitates call routing based on several parameters as required by your business. However, customized routing feasibly improves agent’s efficiency for providing a superior customer experience. It will reduce the call handling time of agents, waiting time, and on-hold time of callers, ensuring the best agents are paired with the right callers to provide the right resolutions and optimize the sales team resources. With this, Office24by7 offers custom call flows with just and drop methods as required.


Personalize Your Sales Pitch

Analyzing cloud telecommunication data and acting accordingly is highly important for any business. Analyzing metrics is not enough; the data collected by businesses from varied sources needs to be relevant to have an effective conversation and improve your product or service efficiency. Cloud telephony platform enables Agent CTI and CRM integrations to loop the caller’s information beforehand for the agents to offer a personalized and customized sales pitch based on caller interests and business requirements.

Feedback and follow-ups are ideal for creating superior customer experiences. Such can be performed efficiently through post-call IVR surveys or SMS.


Activate your Business Instantly

The good thing about cloud telephony solutions is that they can activate your business instantly as it is easy to use, deploy, operate, and manage. The cloud communications system of your business can integrate with any application through powerful APIs. It supports customized call flows, providing a more hassle-free online experience, thus saving infrastructure costs.



Cloud Telephony Solutions are no longer next-generation technology. It is being adopted by almost all industry types, including small to large-scale businesses. To learn more about Office24by7, the best cloud communication platform, visit our website,, or contact us at

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