Make Your Email Responsive with These Email Etiquette

by Jul 29, 2019Knowledge Center

Guide to making emails responsive with email etiquette tips using Office24by7.

Email is the leading source of communication when it comes to professional and business communications.

We all know how a good mail could leave a lasting impact on the receiver. Also, we can vouch for the fact that a bad mail would not only portray the sender in poor light but may also cause to lose a customer forever. That’s the power of an Email.

So, everyone including the marketing and customer service people need to master the art of creating a good mail.

Now, the question is what makes a good mail compared to others?

One thing that makes Emails good and likeable is Email Etiquette. Like everywhere else, etiquettes are seriously underrated but right etiquette got the potential to do things for you when it comes Emails.

Email created keeping the etiquette in mind, most likely to be opened and read.

Let’s see the Email Etiquette which makes a difference to your Email.

1. Subject line should short and descriptive

The first thing that gets noticed about a mail is its subject line in the inbox. A lot depends on the subject. A good subject is short and aptly describes what the mail is about. You better not to resort to using misleading or clickbait subjects. Remember, you are building relations, not craving to open the mail just once. So you need to be truthful and ensure that the subject of the mail gives an accurate picture of what one gets by opening the mail.

2. Careful with salutations

When the mail is opened, the first that gets noticed is how you have addressed the receiver. You need to be careful with your salutations. How you address your recipient shows how well you knew the recipient.  Mostly go with the formal salutation like Dear.

You can use the first name or the last name after Dear. Both are OK.

Again, if you use the last name, make sure that you know the gender and accordingly use Mr. or Ms.

3. Cross-check the recipient name multiple times

In Email, typing names casually and carelessly will have disastrous consequences. Howsoever well-meaning you may be, if you type the name wrong, there is little chance of you doing business with the said customer. Hence, you should cross check no less than twice to make sure that the name is spelled right.

4. Tone shall be professional

It is easy to get carried away while you write an Email. Showing too much zeal, revealing not necessary matters and sounding like pleading even for marketing and sales is not warranted in an email.  It shall be professional, just professional, nothing more and nothing less. And it is a thumb rule. So ensure that your mail tone is professional all through.

5. Good grammar

Good grammar helps to convey your message without any ambiguity. Bad grammar not only confuses but also leads to questioning the seriousness and commitment of the Emailer. In such a scenario, making any headways for creating relations and doing business is less likely to happen. Win the customer if possible with impeccable grammar.

6. No, never use Emoji in an Email

Thanks to the Chat networks, we all are addicted to using emojis everywhere. Of course, they make our life easy by helping us to express our feelings accurately but that is not an Email. Restrain from using the emoji. Better, you check for emojis before you send the mail and remove if any because emojis have become a part of our writing.

7. Proper formatting and good fonts

Legible fonts and proper formatting not only makes it look well organized but also make it easy for the reader to go through your mail quickly, saving the time for both. When tables or data is given in the mail, you need to be even more careful. Often, the formatting gets changed when taken from other source leading to the haphazard placing of the data. So, you should format your emails properly.

8. URLs should be shortened

In promotional and marketing emails, a URL is used mostly as click-to-action to generate leads or convert into sales. These URLs are too lengthy and take most of the available space. Thankfully, URL shortening is available. So, forget not to shorten the URLs before you include them in the mail.

9. Mention the attachments

If you are attaching a file, picture or a document, mention the same in the mail at the right place where it is discussed or described. The reader should know what it is in the attachment. He should be able to make his mind about opening it freely. Mere attaching something doesn’t help much.

10. Sign off in style

Like the salutation, signing-off the mail is important too. A correct sign-off impress the reader and compliment the mail contents. Since it is the last thing the receiver reads in the mails, it should leave open the for future course of action. If you are looking for an appointment or details, you should mention how you would be appreciative of the same. Thank you should be included in sign off and other such reasons to be mentioned alongside.

11. Include your signature

An email signature is an opportunity to tell more about you to the reader and often to lay claim the authority of the matter conveyed above. So, include a proper signature in your mail with the designation. Also, give contact details like mobile number, etc. for the receiver to each you back. You can include logo, and URL to your sites. Often, a quote or saying adds extra dynamism to the mail.

Reach out to us at Office24by7 to experience top-tier email marketing services in India. Our automation software tool is designed to enhance your email campaigns, streamline your processes, and deliver outstanding results. Contact us today to see how we can help your business succeed.

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