New B2B & B2C Cold Calling Scripts- The Right Ways to Do It!

by Sep 26, 2024Outbound Calls, Sales

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There are a lot of cold calling scripts getting circulated that look like this: 

How many times have you hung up on promotional calls like the above? Simply think about the example of the credit card calls that you get in a day. And how many times have you thought why the person on the other end might be having the most dreadful of jobs? It’s true. But why wouldn’t you give them a chance to see if they are offering something worth your time? It’s called cliché! 

Yes, you can smell the soulless sales strategy that is nothing more than a couple of sentences that aren’t emotionally touching who you are or what you actually want. And when you think of it you can get to n number of ways in which they could have initiated a good conversation but strictly nothing like the above. This blog is for those people who have been there doing the above script-like conversation and then done with it! Let’s get smarter. 

Let’s look at some absolutely crazy call tactics and scripts that can take your cold calling process forward rather than getting shut down every time.

Before going forward with the cold calling scripts, let’s take a step back to clear the basics.

Cold calling is a sales technique involving initial outreach to potential customers who haven’t previously shown interest in a product or service. The goal is to contact leads that align with the salesperson’s ideal buyer persona, even if they are unaware of the brand. A cold call is used to create a spark of interest and create further opportunities for discussions.

While cold calling often involves telemarketing, it can also refer to face-to-face contact. Regardless of the method, the objective remains the same: to engage the lead and generate interest in the offer.

In this section lets get you the best and refreshed versions of all cold calling scripts to ever be there. In order to do that let’s take a step-by-step approach that is more like a progression than an example or use-case-based one. 

Learn from these steps and make your variations of it so as to tailor your dialogue.

From the first second that you let out a word, the person at the other end of the phone is going to judge you. By now you should have already realized that he has seen an unknown number calling and has already considered your call as spam. What it takes now is to break that concept.

By getting your non-verbals to work for you, that is your tone, speed, pitch, and volume can drastically change the mentality of the person at the other end, let’s call them the “receiver”. This is true. Have you not been captivated by somebody’s sweet voice, quality accent, or very personal mannerisms that you have let them speak? Exactly. 

  • Think of tone as the mood you convey—whether it’s happy, sad, confident, or something else. For cold calling, aim for a tone that’s casual and confident, with a hint of informality. But remember, informal doesn’t mean unprofessional or disrespectful.
  • Speed is simple: slow down! You’re probably running through your cold calling script, speaking faster than you realize, especially if you’re new to cold calling because the adrenaline kicks in. This adrenaline can make you faster than required and this may make you less confident to let them take the wheel or that you are desperately in need of wrapping up this conversation without being patient with them.
  • Pitch can be tricky. Too high, and you may sound overly enthusiastic; too low, and you might come across as grumpy. Aim for a balanced, natural pitch.
  • Volume is straightforward too. If you’re often told to speak up, focus on projecting your voice. If people say you’re too loud, you’re likely in a good range.

The quickest way to improve these vocal elements is to record your calls, listen closely, gather feedback, and adjust.

Even if you know who you are going to make the cold call to, it is important that you do a background study of them. In the current times, it is not difficult to get details like the current designation, previous work, current company performances and other important information that can give you a major advantage while talking to the person. Professional social media platforms like LinkedIn are of great help when doing these types of research. 

You can break the communication with your cold lead by including any of these information in your cold calling scripts. 

If the topic is relevant and makes their tones go in the positive side you can have a more personal conversation giving you more relatedness with the lead. Or if their tone denotes that they are not interested in discussing that topic, you should quickly get back on track. 

It is very important that you start your conversation by having a clear understanding as to who you are talking to and they have the same about you. Also, take this time to understand whether the timing for the call is right. Even if it is not, break their flow so that you have a couple of minutes to communicate. 

[Lead]: Yes, that’s me.

[Lead]: Well, I’m on my lunch break, but go ahead.

While mentioning your designation, ensure that you are defining yourself as some manager or something that is worth their time. Nowadays, everyone is a manager in some department or team. So, work with your team leader and get yourself a fancy title that is captivating enough. 

While introducing yourself, it is important that you know how to pitch your company’s mission in a single sentence. Instead of beating around the bush or giving multiple sentences from all sides to form the clear image of your company or services, give them one sentence which is simple and direct. This also helps you utilize the time for other areas of your cold calling scripts.

Now that you have the attention and permission to talk with your customer, it is time to pull in your cold calling scripts. The technique to follow is never to let your customer feel as if you are performing based on pre-composed scripts. 

The first thing to do while creating your calling script is to set up enough questions and phrases that can efficiently qualify your prospect. This means that you need to thoroughly understand if the person you are talking to is representing your ideal buyer persona. Make sure that you understand the needs and pains of the customer. Understand whether or not they are in search of a solution in the market. And most importantly how soon are they ready to make a purchase to solve their problems.

Stay calm and make them talk while you conduct the conversation. Give your prospect enough reasons and options to buy from. More the options the overwhelmed they might become. Less the options they might consider selling services or products that aren’t closing in on their relevant requirements. You can always change the direction and suggest different options later as you learn more about their requirements and budget.

[Receiver]: No, neither of these sounds like the best option. What else can you offer?

Now that the conversation is going on you don’t have to worry about your prospect hanging up on you. Keep the conversation flowing. The more you talk with them the more you will be able to understand their needs, build rapport, and establish a good relationship. Ask leading questions and be responsive. Modify and adapt your sales pitch so that it fits to your particular customer using the data from the conversation. Simply ask the right questions and let your prospects reach the conclusions that you wish them to reach. 

For example, cold calling scripts can often include lots of “did you know” questions, such as,

Your prospect may have lots of questions. Take that as an opportunity to show exceptional knowledge regarding the topic that you are selling. They might also have objections which might at first feel difficult to overcome. How to respond to these objections in the upcoming sections. 

When cold calling, you may not always reach the decision-maker on the first attempt. However, speaking with an assistant or lower-level executive is not a wasted effort. These initial contacts can play a crucial role in helping you connect with the key decision-makers down the line.

If the prospect shows interest but lacks authority to move forward, ask if they can schedule a time with the decision-maker. Building rapport with the assistant or lower-level executive can be instrumental in securing a meeting with higher-ups, as they often influence who gains access to their superiors.

When interacting with an assistant, treat them as an informed gatekeeper rather than just a dead end. They are often empowered to decide who gets through to their boss. Mentioning a mutual contact or industry connection can help build trust and increase your chances of getting connected to the decision-maker.

[Receiver]: Yes, I had already spoken to my CEO about your offer. But he is a bit busy these days. Perhaps you can get to know what he thinks about this before this weekend.

Three words that can open new doors

Now, when you have started talking, you need to say these three magic words before you cut the line. Mike Weignberg in his book, New Sales. Simplified., proposes the use of three words: Visit, Fit and Value. 

These are three words that are often looked forward to by the receiver.  

Visit: Stay casual and relatively informal. Try something like:  

, or

Fit: This word is non-threatening but very often used. So use it in a different perspective.

Value: Investments always look out for returns. And returns are calculated as value and not in money. If you can prove the value, then you’re golden.

You might have noticed in the above section that we are not trying to close the deal in a single call. You got that right. Let them know that there is a procedure to follow and there are very important decisions that need to be made. So focus on the fact that this is just the very first step of the process and acknowledge that your lead would require some time to learn if they want or do not want your product or service. 

You can do this by saying something like,

You can set up your outbound cold calling process for sales with or without a call script. But having a call script ensures there is consistency to every step that you take. 

Consider you are calling 5 leads. The clarity of communication depends on steps like asking all you want to ask, sharing all you want to share, and discussing ways to take the communication process forward in a particular order. If you accidentally skip any one of these sections and jump into another section the communication would look unprofessional and sometimes ineffective due to the lack of information you have regarding your customer’s requirements. This is why a call script is a great choice. Similarly, tracking your calls, emails, SMS, and your overall performance metrics can help you perform better. 

A cold calling script is just like an SMS or email campaign. You would be required to track its performance and see which scripts, personas, and team members are performing the best. With a best-in-class cloud telephony platform like Office24by7 you will be able to efficiently track all these. Office24by7 call center solutions is powered by a robust cloud telephony system that enables integration with your CRM system and provides an extensive analytics and reports dashboard which can be customized as per your requirements. 

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In every sales call, it’s essential to have a clear goal, whether it’s scheduling a discovery call, arranging a product demo, or setting up an in-person meeting. Aim to lock something into the calendar quickly, as delays between the first call and follow-up can cause prospects to lose interest or forget.

If your prospect tries to end the call early, request a specific time to follow up instead of leaving it vague. Even when a call doesn’t result in a sale, it can still be valuable. Networking within the company or gaining insights can help you determine better pitches for future opportunities.

Not every call will end in a sale, and that’s perfectly fine. Maintain at least one additional goal beyond selling, such as gathering information or securing a referral. If you’ve built a good rapport with your contact, they may even refer you to another business that could benefit from your services. Using an efficient lead management software like the one provided by Office24by7 helps you track and follow up with leads by setting up reminders and alerts.

While you may or may not land on a deal using a cold call, it always opens doors to asking for referrals. If your communication goes smoothly, your leads would be convinced that you would not be a disturbance for their acquaintances.

The most effective way in which you can generate referrals is by focusing on your existing clients. 

  1. The ones who share and engage with your social media content.
  2. People who first-hand use your product on a daily basis.
  3. Customers who have had a positive effect because of your product.
  4. Customers who have been with you over 6 months. 
  5. Those who have been a long time user of your product. 

Make a list of all such people and start a conversation with them.

Another important concept to understand is turning a cold call into a warm one. Use your referral. 

Say something on this note and you can easily get your lead to set up an appointment just to make sure they are not missing out on subscribing to your product or service. And yes, this discussion is going to be a long one and whenever you feel like they are not convinced you could always suggest that they speak with the person in Business A who referred.

Trying to connect with a lead can often end up without any results. Your call can even go unanswered. Take this to your advantage and put a voicemail. You could also try putting in a message or an email which provides more details regarding your intent for calling. This can help you call them back later and ask them if they have received your voicemail or email and that you want to talk to them regarding something that they will be interested in. 

Similarly you can even leverage a cold message that you send to your prospect on LinkedIn or other formal platforms or even informal spaces (if you have trouble finding them on the prior).

Sales objections are a part and parcel of the sales game. The only way around it is by addressing these as opportunities. Just think how convinced they would be if you are able to overcome these objections effectively. 

Let’s not discuss a few of these and simply jump to the next section. We have curated for you a large list of most commonly addressed sales objections and their effective rebuttals that can help you overcome any such situation with ease.

Related Reading

You can learn about various situations in a company by looking at their hiring. Sometimes a company might be hiring for more employees in a particular department. This means that they are in need of assistance in that department. Also once the hiring is done there are certain services and products that would be required for their workflows. Such signals should be leveraged.

Here are 8 of the top tips that every sales person should know in order to create highly engaging and converting cold calling scripts.

Personalize your cold calls by researching prospects through their LinkedIn profiles. Explore the groups they engage with, influencers they follow, and recent employment changes. Start your research early in the day to keep this information fresh, and leverage insights to create rapport during calls.

Develop cold calling scripts tailored to specific audience profiles. Use a clear structure: brief introduction, personalized opener, reason for calling, value proposition, qualifying questions, and a compelling close. Adapt scripts for varied prospect types to enhance engagement and success.

Building a network with peers helps refine your cold calling skills. Share your challenges and successes with friends or colleagues to exchange insights. This creates a collaborative learning environment where you can benefit from their experiences and improve over time.

Post-call reflection is crucial for improvement. Review where prospects tend to object or disengage, and refine your script accordingly. Call recordings feature of Office24by7 call center solutions can help identify areas for improvement, both in content and delivery. Continuously test and adjust your approach to enhance results.

Cold calling often brings common objections, such as “I don’t have time” or “Send an email.” Prepare in advance for these objections with solutions, such as offering a quick follow-up or gathering information for future conversations. Practice handling these scenarios to keep calls productive.

Timing is critical for cold calling success. Understand which of your prospects would be available during which time and sort your list accordingly. If the list is a generic one try aiming to call between 10 AM and 4 PM for optimal response rates. Additionally, monitor trigger events like promotions, mergers, or website visits, which present timely opportunities for reaching out and increasing the likelihood of engagement.

 Shift the conversation focus to the prospect’s role, challenges, and interests, rather than pushing your product or service. By doing so, you build rapport and gather valuable information that can help tailor your solution to their specific pain points.

Incorporating social proof, such as case studies or client success stories, can establish credibility. Mention recognizable clients or results to demonstrate your ability to deliver value, making prospects more likely to trust and engage with you.

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