What is Email Marketing and its Benefits?

by Jul 9, 2019Marketing CRM

Office24by7 provides the powerful email marketing software tool to promote your email business.

In the times of instant chats of social media marketing and dedicated chat platforms, it may appear that the Email is past its prime. True, there is a dent in the Email usage for personal communication with the emergence of chats, but it is the most used still. Likewise, Email is still the most preferred medium for marketing.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a method to send marketing and commercial messages to targeted audience and groups over the Email. The versatility of email best suits to the marketing messaging as it conveniently carries a variety of texts, images, graphs to the targeted.

The scope of email marketing is far wider. It is not just a medium to promote your products or services, it can also help to build better relations with customers, alongside acquiring the new.

Factors which Make Email Marketing a Top Choice

Major factors that make email marketing most preferred choice are the low cost, huge reach and its ease of use.

Email is the most cost-effective means to promote your brand, products and services, compared to any other marketing.

Email marketing is easy to set up and monitor the marketing campaigns without any large infrastructure or incurring huge expenditure.

Studies also prove that a substantial number of adults, more than 80% in the developed world, are using the Email. So, Email also ensures far greater reach at a much lesser cost.

The advantages of email marketing offers exceed the potential of other marketing means. Hence, it’s a top choice.

Email Marketing Benefits

Easy communication to a larger pool

Email marketing is beyond boundaries. No state, nation boundaries can hamper the Email marketing reach. All the world connected with the internet is available for you provided you have products or services to offer to them and required details.

Also, Email is faster and efficient. It takes your message to the targeted audience almost instantly. When it comes to delivering a message, there can’t be a better chance than email to ensure guaranteed delivery.

It also provides for easy reach of already engaged, leading to improved relations and often, to create valued relations which last longer.

Highly personalized message

One of the biggest benefits of email marketing is its ability to deliver a personalized message. In the highly competitive world where a customer is always flooded with information and pampered with choices, personal messaging has the potential to strike a chord easily.

Creating personal and intimate ads and Emails based on the user tastes, preferences and previous sales history have better chances of converting a lead into a customer.

Personalization and customization of the marketing messages are easy and doesn’t require a huge investment.

Personalized Email marketing does the following:

  • Stand out in the usually cluttered inbox and gets noticed.
  • Strikes an emotional chord and has more chances of opening
  • Also helps to build good relations with the right information at the right time.

Easy to start and share

Email marketing doesn’t require any infra investment nor a team to manage. It doesn’t even require any technical knowledge or expertise to run a campaign.

One can get started easily. Once the campaign goals and targeted audience is clear one can set up an Email marketing tool campaign with required images and videos. Many email marketing service providers have ready to use templates to build an email campaign with drag and drop option. You can check out Email marketing software tool here

Create the mail as you want it just by drag and drop. Add images, videos, buttons and social media links with a few clicks. Your campaign will be ready. Send the click button and your message is delivered. All it takes just a few clicks.

Also, online content is easy to share. If you create a compelling campaign with quality content, you will earn more reach than what you anticipate. It is irresistible to forward or share a brilliant campaign.

So, make sure that it is easily shareable.

Easy to track the metrics to measure performance

Monitoring of the campaign performance is important to measure the success. Most of the marketing channels have ambiguous results based on estimates and projections.

Unlike others, Email marketing tool metrics can be tracked completely. A marketing email delivery rate, open rates, time spent, click to action rates can be accurately measured through the analytics.

The metrics not only give the details of the performance of an email campaign but also give insights into the customer interests and behavior.

Understanding user behavior helps to a great extent in creating precise campaigns or often to improvise the marketing strategies to achieve desired results.

Instant impact and greater ROI

Usually, when a marketing campaign is initiated, it takes time for the results to show up. The waiting period often goes into weeks and months depending on the nature of the campaign.

In Email marketing, the results start showing immediately as the delivery is instant, and also the email creates a sense of urgency, unlike other marketing channels.

In fact, based on the initial user response, if the lead is inclined to buy, variety of custom designed offers can be sent to drive the lead to the sales.

This entire response Emails based on user behavior can be automated with drip marketing software.  Email marketing has huge potential to leave an instant impact.

ROI is the other parameter by which email marketing outshines the other forms of marketing channels. Over the years, the ROI of Email marketing for every dollar has been steadily rising. In the end, it is important to spend where the returns are high. There aren’t any better marketing means which ensure high ROI than email marketing. Hence email marketing is preferred choice still.

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