What is Social Media Marketing and What are its Goals?

by Jul 19, 2019Social

Social Media, perhaps, it’s not an exaggeration to say that hardly there’s any who isn’t familiar with social media. Young and elders, urban and rural folks, almost everyone is active one or the other social platform. Its reach increased phenomenally with the arrival of affordable mobile devices and increased mobile internet penetration. Well, the point here is, as the reach of social media grew, it emerged as one of the top medium for marketing.


What is Social Media Marketing?

Use of social media and digital channels like the website to promote product or services, gain traffic, attract attention, create an identity and to increase the sales, can be defined as Social media marketing.

In simple parlance, marketing on social media can be summarized as social media marketing. It is often referred to as SMM, its abbreviation, in short.


What is the Need of Social Media Marketing?

Social media mainly used to increase a brand’s visibility, reach out to a large base and to improve customer communication.

Social Media, with its easy to connect and share options, became a perfectly fine medium to carry on marketing activities to the brands and organizations.

Its huge popularity brings a huge customer base closer to the brands with much less the expenditure to run a marketing campaign.

Adding to that, technological advancement made people less active instead of making them smart. Hence, most people are looking to connect to everything from their social media account.

It’s user-friendly design and familiarity with the usage, make people seek everything, from flight bookings to money transfer from the accounts, o social media.

Of course, it emerged as the best means to offer customer support. As brands increasingly investing in social media customer support.

In fact, businesses are testing and developing products by analyzing the user’s behaviour. The traditional market research being replaced by social media research as it provides for easy feedback and engagement opportunities.

In the consumer-centric world, social media empowers customers by providing opportunities to make them heard, often by asking questions to the business and organizations. Organizations started loving this grudgingly as issue spread on social media like wildfire. Now, no big business can afford not to monitor the social media presence.

Above all, the ROI of social media marketing is far better compared to other traditional marketing mediums.

All of these combined make social media a powerful tool to marketing, hence the demand for it.


Popular Social Media Platforms for Marketing

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube are some of the most popular social media platforms amongst many others.


How Exactly SMM Helps Achieve the Marketing Goals?

Social media marketing helps to achieve a variety of marketing goals in different ways.

Creates a brand identity by raising awareness about the brand.

Increases the brand visibility over social media and boosts brand image.

Lifts the brand profile with the positive conversation about the brand.

Improves the reach and customer engagement.

Give a sense of empowerment to the customer to engage with the brand in the public glare.

Improve customer communication with two-way communication.

Easy and instant feedback helps to rectify problems quickly.

Social Media with its huge reach and higher ROI will be a big marketing channel for some time to come. If one social platform sees a dent in its usage, it’s only because of the rise of some other new platform.

Of all the Social media, Facebook account’s huge user base of almost 2.5 billion in the first quarter of 2019.

It has multiple marketing opportunities depending on the size and scale of the organizations.  Facebook ads are one of the most sought social media marketing means.

To know different Facebook ads and specs required and quick tips for doing each type of ad right, read our previous blog.

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