Why Does Your Business Needs a CRM System?

by Nov 23, 2022Marketing CRM

CRM system is crucial to the success of any business. It is the driving force behind business growth. It supports connecting with your customers across all major touchpoints. This includes sales, marketing, and customer service.

The current business environment is competitive. Businesses are competing for the same customers. These customers expect quick service, personalized interactions, and an integrated experience.  Their attention spans are short and loyalty is short-lived.

The decision to install a CRM system may appear to be an obvious one but is it the right choice for your business. Its market is projected to grow at a rate of 14.27% from 2020 to 2027.

This makes it one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. This shift is driven by increasing consumer demand for automated engagement. Better customer service and more tailored customer experiences also add to it.

So what does a CRM system consist of? What are the benefits that CRM systems provide your organization? To whom and what kinds of companies can CRM be beneficial? These questions and more are addressed in this blog.

  • What is a CRM system?
  • Top 18 Benefits of CRM System for Your Business
  • How can CRM Benefit Companies?
  • Conclusion


What is a CRM system?

Customer relationship management is referred to as CRM. A CRM system is software that assists businesses in tracking & managing customer relationships. It allows you to store a variety of customer data.

This includes user behavior, customer purchase records, and sales interaction notes. Such data can be useful for improving customer services across your organization.

Sales and marketing professionals use CRM to better understand their customers. It can track customers’ behaviors and actions (social media, your website, or email marketing campaigns).

Using it you can send triggered emails to customers. You can also guide them through sales funnels. Further, you can notify sales representatives about customer interests.


Top 18 Benefits of CRM System for Your Business

Businesses of all sizes have come to rely on CRM systems. Any business can enjoy its use, from managing contacts to automating key processes.

The system can also serve as a centralized point of contact. It can help consistent communication between the customer and the company. Such a function has become important as organizations shift to remote working practices.

Below is a list of benefits of a CRM system for your business.

1. Improved Knowledge of Customers

Even though it may seem simple, CRM is powerful automation software tool. This is because all information about each contact is kept in one place in one place. It provides your sales, marketing, and customer service departments with a competitive advantage. It knows 

  • The full name of the contact, 
  • Email address,
  • The phone number, 
  • Postal address,
  • Website and social media accounts, 
  • A contact’s position within the organization
  • Languages spoken and 
  • Birthdays.

It is now easier than ever to customize your communication with a contact when you have this level of information available to you.

The second advantage of CRM is the ability to store any project, activity,  sales, live chat messages, email correspondence, invoices, orders, contracts, or customer service inquiries a contact has ever been involved in.

With CRM software, you can know better who your customers are and what their needs are.

2. Better Segmentation

People do not want to conduct business with faceless crowds. Everyone wishes to conduct business with the ideal audience. Segmenting contacts (customers and prospects) according to their target audiences can achieve this. CRMs are the best tool for segmentation out there.

This tool allows you to create lists based on categories and criteria, making it easy to analyze data. Such segmented lists are useful in sales and marketing. It facilitates specific campaigns (such as account-based marketing campaigns). It also offers an analysis of your sales process and lead pool.

Your offer, your tactics, and even your sales pitch can be tailored to whom you’re addressing. A sound CRM system allows you to identify which customers are interested in what you have to offer.

3. Improved Customer Retention

CRM system is not only great for finding and nurturing new customers, but it is also an excellent tool for retaining the customers you already have.

As a result, CRM systems offer several benefits related to customer retention. These benefits include reminding you when to schedule appointments and when to send follow-up emails.

Yet the real trick lies in CRM’s ability to alert you to reach out to customers who may feel neglected because they have not been contacted for a while.

It is six to seven times less costly to keep an existing customer than to attract a new one. CRM systems can also be used to coordinate marketing activities. It can conduct email campaigns, offer free trial offers, and conduct post-purchase surveys, etc, all at the right time.

4. A Better Understanding of Customer Needs

Knowing what to expect increases our level of confidence. Business is no different. Keeping track of a customer’s buying habits can make cross-selling and upselling easier.

Having a CRM system is one of the best ways for salespeople to sell more and sell faster. Sales representatives can expect customer needs by having access to customer interaction history throughout the entire customer journey.

Knowing the contact’s purchase history, you can be proactive and come up with better or new offers at the right time.

Providing excellent customer service is also dependent on the CRM system in India. Having access to an individual’s interaction history makes providing timely customer support much easier.

It is a matter of a few clicks to know whether the customer had problems with your product. You also come to know what the outcome of their service request was, and whether they (customers) were satisfied. You have the opportunity to redeem your reputation if they have complained in the past.

5. Improved/Managed Communication with Prospective Customers

It is a sign of professionalism to respond to your customers’ requests as quickly as possible. CRM systems allow you and your customers to save time.

It provides a collection of customizable and ready-to-use templates. You can use it to draft SMS, and email messages and schedule their dispatch weeks or months in advance.

Speed is of paramount importance when responding to customer service requests. CRM enables you to 

  • Communicate in a personalized manner, 
  • Provide quick solutions to recurring problems, 
  • Include links to FAQs and videos, 
  • Make calls directly.

The process of lead nurturing can be arduous and complicated. It requires several steps and opportunities for communication. CRM systems manage the process automatically, sending your employees alerts when they need to contact the prospect and tracking their interactions from emails to telephone calls.

CRM offers the advantage of facilitating a holistic view of your customer’s journey. Having reviewed every phase in the design process and every email you sent, you can quickly determine the next step to take.

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6. Improved Protection of Privacy

CRM offers the main benefit of saving time and effort while protecting your data more effectively.

It helps you collect permission from your contacts to store and use their personal information (consents). You can also automatically notify all new contacts of your wish to store their data and manage your customer’s email subscription preferences. It can also be configured to automatically update the personal information of groups of contacts.

It will take most of your time to do all this manually, and you may also make mistakes. But, a CRM system is a quick, safe, and reliable way to keep customer information private. By handling customers’ data with respect, you build trust.

7. Reliable Reporting

CRM system can assist you in going deeper into all your data and metrics, including those originating from other sources.

With it, you can collate, tabulate, and organize clean data, which then is easy to interpret through reporting features. It is one of the most important advantages of having a CRM system, and it makes other benefits possible once the data is usable.

In comparison with other customer relationship management systems, CRM allows a clear view of how customers interact with your organization. For instance, a lead filled out a form on a landing page after viewing an advertisement on social media.

Additionally, you can run reports to see where your opportunities are. It also allows you to see how you’re interacting with prospects and customers. Several parameters can be used to run those reports. CRM software classifies consumers into one of three stages of the sales funnel: leads, opportunities, or sales.

CRM systems are capable of more than just telling you which had brought a prospect to your company. You can track the result based on many factors;

  • The action that a person takes when they receive an email marketing message, 
  • How often they open an email,
  • The frequency with which they communicate with your sales team, 

Especially when enhanced by artificial intelligence, CRM platforms provide valuable reports. Your current audience can be more communicated to, while past customers can be reached easily. This information is essential to helping you make informed decisions.

When it comes to making daily or minute-by-minute decisions, your company needs to have access to data visualizations. Another advantage of CRM is its dashboard functionality.

8. Data Visualization Dashboards

When managing your company through a spreadsheet, you have to input data, figure out what’s important, and then show it graphically. CRM simplifies such tasks.

The dashboard, another CRM benefit, is available once you have invested in the platform. In your organization, every individual who has access to your CRM platform can have their dashboard set up.

A director of marketing, for example, may be interested in email marketing metrics, in particular click-through rates for each campaign. It is possible to create a dashboard that displays the number of recipients of a particular email marketing, the number of recipients who opened it, and the click-through rate.

The director of sales, yet, would like to know how many calls are made per hour, as well as how many leads are converted into meetings or demos. By using dashboards, users can see the most valuable data without sifting, sorting, or running reports.

9.  Omnichannel Support with Automation

Digital interactions with customers give them many ways to interact with brands and ensuring consistency between all the channels can be difficult and overwhelming. To achieve a competitive advantage, companies must provide customers with swift, consistent, and personalized service across all touch points.

CRM provides Omni-Channel marketing software support with automation. It is a custom-developed platform that can transform how companies interact with their clients. Customer service agents will be able to provide a superior experience across any channel, whether it is email, social media, or chat.

10. Better Customer Service/Proactive Service

Data in a CRM platform can help automate more personalized outreach throughout the marketing funnel, along with improving customer service outreach.

Sales teams and support representatives are better equipped to meet a customer’s needs and solve problems since they know what appeals to them.

For a customer service team, this is a significant advantage. The representative does not need to dig for information because relevant data is available in their dashboards, allowing them to concentrate on their core duties.

Sales and customer service being proactive and knowledgeable saves everybody time, improves customer satisfaction, and reduces resolution time.

All your customer data – including demographics, sale records, and messages – is available in CRM – and for anyone who needs to access it. Customer data can be gathered from your employees, who can then provide a better customer experience, a key component of customer satisfaction.

11. Increasing Efficiency through Automation

Automating processes is one of the benefits CRM platforms offer their users, and it is evident throughout the company. Among the examples are:

  • Reduce the time spent on emailing and nurturing leads with drip campaigns
  • A scoring system based on your parameters or built-in AI, to make sure your teams can find out which marketing qualified leads can grow into sales qualified leads
  • Chatbots and other automated messaging can handle simple customer questions, like order status

Marketers can spend more time creating campaigns that suit their audience. It allows sales representatives to have more time to sell the right products. Further customer service representatives can focus on dealing with customers. In the end, CRM software can improve a company’s ability to serve its customers.

12.  Collaboration and Integration Simplified

Your CRM provides a central repository for interactions, conversations, needs, notes, and contact information. If it is cloud-based, it will always be current, and your colleagues will easily be able to access it to make decisions.

Moreover, some CRM solutions have integrated collaboration tools. It allows multiple people to work on one file at the same time or track the progress of a document, such as a sales quote, over time.

Through this shared record, all users of your CRM can collaborate. A salesperson, for example, can fill out certain fields on a customer’s record or make notes on their file. Having the most up-to-date details ensure the rest of the team works as effectively as possible.

It is important that marketing, sales, and customer service works seamlessly together instead of working separately.

13. Comprehensive Analytics/ Automated Sales Reports

Data collection is one thing, but knowing what it means and how to use it is quite another. An analysis feature is integrated into CRM software to contextualize data, breaking it down into actionable items and easily comprehensible metrics. You can measure the success of a marketing campaign by looking at metrics such as click-through rates, demographic information, and bounce rates. 

Using CRM software, employees can organize, collect, and analyze data about prospects and current customers, automating and managing pipelines and processes. It can also assist your employees in evaluating their performance, tracking their quotas, and evaluating the progress they have made on each project at a glance.

14. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

By automating repetitive tasks such as drip campaigns, CRM software allows your employees to focus on creating content, rather than menial tasks.

The system will also ensure that no important tasks will slip through the cracks (e.g., all-important emails will be sent to the right individuals). Moreover, a CRM will show you a dashboard that indicates how your business processes are working and where improvements can be made.

15. Information Centralized In One Place

One of the best things CRM software can provide is a centralized database with all relevant information about your customers, which is easily accessible by anyone in your company. In this way, a sales representative can easily identify which products a particular customer is interested in. Customer interactions in the CRM can inform future marketing efforts and sales pitches. Your employees will save time digging through old records and files, and it will make their customer experiences better.

16. Accurate Forecasting Of Sales

Whenever you operate a business, you need to be able to analyze your past performance and develop a strategic plan for the future. CRM software provides automated sales reports so you can identify trends. You can get an idea of what to expect from the future performance, while modifying goals and metrics accordingly.

17. Improved Communication within the Organization

CRM can also facilitate communication between your business and your customers, as well as among your staff members.

CRMs make it easy for staff members to see how other employees are interacting with potential customers, helping to maintain a unified brand voice. Within the same system, team members can exchange notes, alerts, tag each other on projects, and send messages and emails.

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18. Increased Sales/ Boosts Revenue

With a CRM tool, you can automate key tasks, streamline your sales process and analyze all of your sales data in one centralized place, which can increase your sales. With the aid of a CRM, you can set up an automated sales process that is easy for your employees to follow. It is easy to modify as issues arise.

The proof is in the numbers when it comes to your business. A healthy revenue stream indicates that you are doing something (or several things) correctly. Scattered revenues indicate that something needs to be addressed.

It is possible to increase your revenue in a variety of ways if you own a business. You can lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), offer discounts, lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), run promotions, etc. However, with a CRM, you can go much further. Here are some examples:

Improve the closing rate: With CRM tools like lead scoring; your sales team can focus on the hottest accounts and avoid wasting time on less likely prospects.

Increase cross-selling and upselling: Data insights can also be used to assist your sales representatives in making the best upsells and cross-sells.

Find out which regions are most profitable: Tracking revenue by geographic area will allow you to determine where your efforts are most effective.

Analyze which customers make the most purchases: Similar to the previous step, but at the level of the individual customer. Customers can be sorted based on a variety of factors, including age, location, gender, or average spending amount. In this way, it is possible to maximize revenue.

Track the performance of sales representatives: CRMs provide insight into the performance of your sales representatives. You can make everyone’s performance better if you document what your top performers do.

CRM systems can also be integrated with supplementary financial systems: The report presents a holistic view of revenue-related data as well as insights into areas for improvement and modification.


How can CRM Benefit Companies?

CRM software has such a wide range of benefits that it can benefit a wide variety of businesses and teams.

CRMs are essential for keeping the right customers and deploying your precious marketing dollars toward the best customers. For small businesses, identifying and acquiring customers are difficult tasks, so bucketing them into optimal and suboptimal segments through CRM is extremely valuable.

CRM technology can be used by enterprises of all sizes, from sole proprietorships to multinational corporations. They are instrumental in helping companies organize, automate marketing campaigns, etc.

CRMs offer a variety of advantages to businesses of all sizes:

Businesses with Specialized Sales Personnel

CRM is an important tool that helps you manage your contacts and customer relationships if you have a sales team. You can even improve and grow your sales processes with a CRM by using customer information to show trends, automate menial tasks for sales representatives, and analyze key areas of improvement.

Businesses that Have a Marketing Department

CRM and marketing are related. Data from CRM can assist your marketing team in identifying and converting leads. It can track interactions between clients and sales representatives.

It can also track drip marketing systems campaigns throughout the sales process, and more. All these elements can contribute to a more consistent and seamless customer experience.

Businesses Seeking To Improve Efficiency

CRMs automate processes such as the organization of contacts and communication. This will enable you to speed up the day-to-day activities of your entire team. By using it, you can reduce errors and ensure the right people get the information they need.



CRM lets businesses target audiences, set up scores based on the activity of leads and customers, and communicate with contacts. One of the great things about CRM systems is that they can be integrated across departments. This will ensure that every customer-facing team has access to accurate data.

By organizing and presenting data, CRM platforms lead to better customer understanding. Automating much of this can improve messaging and outreach, allowing for better customer service. Besides, your teams will be able to collaborate more and reduce silos.

Among all the benefits of CRM software, the ability to use data and technology to create an efficient business is one of the most significant. In doing so, you can provide better service to your customers.

Office24by7 CRM system boosts the productivity of your sales reps. Our CRM manages prospect information in one central location. It also helps your team close more deals, and builds relationships with your customers. Please feel free to contact us by calling 91 7097171717 or by writing to sales@office24by7.com.

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