Top 20 SDR Strategies for Scaling Sales

by Aug 19, 2024Sales

top 20 sdr strategies

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An SDR plays a crucial role in the sales process of any organization. They make the first contact with the leads as well as are the deciding factor when it comes to deal closures. The LGR team or the Lead Generation Representatives gather intel and potential customer data but do not directly interact with the leads. Similarly, the Account Executives or AEs only mingle with the leads during the deal stage. They do not have a voice before that stage nor do they have to convince the lead to make the purchase as much as the SDRs. During the deal stage, the lead has already made up the mind to give your product a try.

Our top SDR strategies ensure that these first impressions done by the SDRs are positive and lead to meaningful conversations that fill the sales pipeline with qualified leads. When SDRs implement effective strategies, they streamline the sales process, making it easier for the sales team to focus on closing deals rather than chasing unqualified prospects. This alignment between SDR efforts and the broader sales strategy is vital for maximizing productivity and achieving sales goals.

Moreover, the impact of strong SDR strategies extends beyond just the sales team. For the organization as a whole, these strategies help in building a more predictable and scalable sales model. By consistently generating high-quality leads, SDRs contribute to a steady flow of opportunities that the sales team can convert into revenue. This predictability is essential for long-term business planning and growth. 

Effective SDR strategies contribute to the overall efficiency of the sales organization. They reduce the time and resources spent on unqualified leads and allow for better allocation of the sales team’s efforts. This efficiency is particularly important in competitive industries where speed and precision can make a significant difference in winning or losing business. 

By employing data-driven top SDR strategies, organizations can continually refine their approach based on real-world results, leading to ongoing improvement in sales processes and outcomes. Let’s look at the top 20 hand-made SDR strategies that can help your organization achieve its maximum potential.

20 Top SDR Strategies for Higher Sales 

1. First Come First Served

Inside sales are booming, and here’s why! It’s all about being the first to respond. In a world where speed wins deals, inside sales reps have a distinct advantage. With an inside sales call costing just $50 compared to the $308 for an outside call, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness are undeniable. But the real game-changer? Research shows that 35% to 50% of sales go to the vendor who responds first.

You can simply leverage the inside sales cycle by building a rapid response system. When your inside sales team can quickly and efficiently make those first crucial calls, you’re setting yourself up for success. The first and foremost of top SDR strategies is to be the “first to the scene”. This can consistently boost your conversion rates and give you a competitive edge. It’s all about speed and precision and inside sales have both in spades.

2. Bring The Salesmen In

Even today, outside sales reps are still crushing it. And statistics show that they are hitting their quotas at rates 10% higher than their inside counterparts. And here comes the twist. Despite the rise of remote work, outside reps are spending 89% more time selling remotely compared to 2013, showing just how adaptable they’ve become.

Outside sales teams excel at building relationships face-to-face, driving those big wins that tech alone can’t secure. But don’t stop there. Don’t overlook the power of collaboration. Consider putting them together. When inside and outside sales teams join forces, they become an unstoppable force. 

3. Efficient Sales Prospecting 

Prospecting doesn’t have to be a grind—make it simple and effective with the right approach. Gone are the days when face-to-face was the only way to connect with potential clients. Now, with mobile devices, email, and texting at your disposal, you have a treasure trove of channels to find, vet, and reach out to prospects. The key? Leverage these tools to broaden your reach and streamline your process.

Use data-driven tools to your advantage. With 8 in 10 prospects preferring email and over half wanting a demo on the first call, you can tailor your approach effortlessly. Equip yourself with the right lead enrichment tools to build detailed profiles and target your ideal customers with pinpoint accuracy. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

4. Cold Calling to The Rescue

Think cold calling is dead? Think again. Companies that dismissed cold calling saw 42% less growth than those who embraced it. Sure, only 2% of cold calls lead to appointments, but persistence is key. Today, it takes about 8 attempts to reach a prospect, double what it was in 2007. The silver lining? Just a few extra attempts can boost conversion rates by up to 70%.

But how? Here is another of your top SDR strategies: Persistence with a plan. Equip your sales reps with effective call scripts and train them to handle common objections with ease. It takes an average of 18 calls to connect with a buyer, so don’t let a few missed calls discourage you. Follow-up is critical—44% of salespeople give up after just one call, but those who stick with it are the ones who win.

5. Make Social Selling Your Secret Weapon

Social media is everywhere, yet many sales reps are still hesitant to incorporate it into their selling process. Sticking to just email and phone calls might seem safe, but ignoring social selling could mean missing out big time. The stats don’t lie—78% of reps using social media outsell their peers, and 75% of B2B buyers rely on it to make purchasing decisions. Plus, those who embrace social selling are 51% more likely to hit their sales quotas.

Make social selling your secret weapon. Start by connecting with prospects on social media before moving to other channels like email or phone calls. This one among the top SDR strategies, helps build warmer connections, leading to higher response rates and more appointments. With social selling, you’re not just filling your pipeline—you’re setting yourself up to outsell the competition and close bigger deals.

6. Simply Ask For a Referral

Referrals are pure gems! These can be considered stronger than any pitch you could deliver. All of us can agree on that one. Even though 92% of buyers trust referrals from people they know, surprisingly only a few reps ever ask for them. Here’s the kicker: salespeople who actively seek referrals earn 4 to 5 times more than those who don’t. Plus, 73% of executives prefer working with sales pros who come recommended.

The secret? Just ask. It’s that simple. After every positive customer interaction—whether it’s a glowing review, a high NPS score, or a testimonial—make it a habit to ask for referrals. By weaving this into your sales strategy, you’ll open doors to new prospects and watch your sales soar. Companies with referral programs see 86% more revenue growth, so don’t leave this powerful tool on the table.

7. A/B Testing Your Emails

Email remains one of the most powerful tools in sales, boasting an impressive 44:1 ROI. But with the average person receiving 147 emails daily, standing out in a crowded inbox is no small feat. Only 23% of sales emails are opened, so how do you make your mark? Ensure your subject lines pack a punch. Simply test out various subject lines and do A/B testings to finalize on one winning approach.

Also keep your subject lines short and impactful. Since 40% of emails are opened on mobile devices, format your emails, especially the headlines to fit in. Personalization is another important factor. Emails with personalized subject lines are 22.2% more likely to be opened. To amplify your success, combine social selling with email marketing by connecting with prospects on social media first. This way, your emails come from a familiar source, increasing the chances they’ll be opened and engaged with.

8. Add a Pinch of Persistence

Most reps give up on a sale far too soon. This is just like digging through all the rocks just a meter before you actually find the goldmine. In B2B sales, where sales cycles are longer and involve multiple decision-makers, there is a substitute for persistence. Statistics show that a staggering 80% of sales require at least five follow-up calls, yet 44% of reps quit after just one. But those who follow up promptly are nearly seven times more likely to engage decision-makers.

One of the top SDR strategies to have is to be prompt and persistent. Rarely does a sale happen on the first touchpoint, so make sure your reps are consistently following up across various channels. Use lead management software to track interactions and ensure timely follow-ups. Remember, it often takes up to eight calls to reach a prospect—don’t let early disengagement cost you the sale.

9. Always Have A Call-to-Action

Closing deals is tough, and many reps shy away from it. 48% of sales calls end without even attempting to close. This contributes to a national closing rate of just 27%. Sadly but comforting, what the companies that end up best-in-class are doing, and what you only have to achieve to become one, is close to 30% of sales-qualified leads, which is just above the average.

This is exactly why one of the top SDR strategies is for you to have a clear call to action. Every touchpoint should push the sales process forward in the desired direction. Whether it’s sealing the deal or scheduling a follow-up with key decision-makers. It’s about keeping the momentum going, ensuring that each interaction brings you one step closer to closing.

10. Focus on Lead Nurturing

Sales cycles are generally getting longer and more complex. This has brought out a requirement for a shift in how businesses generate and nurture their leads. As we said, sales closures within a single touchpoint have become a rarity. This makes collaboration between marketing and sales teams crucial for guiding consumers through the sales journey. Companies that have implemented a repeatable lead nurturing system are seeing much higher lead-close rates and better overall performance.

By implementing a robust sales CRM software to nurture leads effectively you can improve your lead nurturing efforts. You can track your interactions and check their open rates, engagement rates, and other metrics allowing you to refine your nurturing approach. Focus on educating, building trust, and positioning prospects as they move through the funnel. As you plan your lead nurturing sequence, consider what information each persona needs to become sales-ready.

Segmentation of customer data is key so ensure your CRM is set up to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time. This one among the top SDR strategies helps to boost qualified leads by 451% and significantly increase your chances of closing deals.

11. Qualifying and Prioritizing Leads

Not all leads are created equal! So focusing on the most qualified prospects can significantly boost your team’s productivity and conversion rates. With 46% of B2B sales reps citing lead quantity and quality as top challenges, it’s clear that sorting through leads efficiently is crucial. Poor qualification leads to wasted effort. This is also because the percentage of marketing quality leads is greatly cut down when it comes to sales quality. 67% of lost sales result from reps not properly vetting potential customers.

But you can sort this out by implementing a lead scoring system. Lead tracking is one of the top SDR strategies that will help your sales team prioritize high-quality leads and avoid wasting time on prospects that aren’t ready to buy. This also helps them to focus on leads that are solid enough to be close to achieving their targets. Speed is also vital—responding within 5 minutes boosts lead qualification by 10 times compared to waiting longer. 

12. Customers Will Evaluate, Make It Worth Their Time

The B2B sales process has become more intricate, with longer cycles and multiple decision-makers. Today, many buyers are well into their research before they even engage with a sales rep. On average, 7 people are involved in buying decisions within a mid-sized company, and B2B buyers complete 57%-70% of their research before reaching out.

Create detailed comparison guides that highlight how your product stands out from the competition. This not only attracts mid-funnel traffic but also provides your sales team with valuable tools for prospects who are evaluating their options. With 84% of decision-makers starting their buying journey with a referral and relying heavily on online content, these guides can significantly influence their decision-making process and support your reps in closing deals.

13. Content Is King

Today’s buyers are savvier and more informed than ever, making it crucial for sales and marketing teams to work together seamlessly. Gone are the days of working in silos—teams must collaborate to create content that educates, engages, and empowers both buyers and sales reps. Inbound marketing now outperforms outbound, with 46% of marketers reporting higher ROI from inbound strategies compared to just 12% for outbound.

Align your sales and marketing teams by identifying key topics and questions your ideal customers are searching for at different stages of their journey—awareness, consideration, and purchase. One of the top SDR strategies is to create content that addresses these needs and distribute it through the channels your target audience frequents. With 93% of B2B buying processes starting with an online search and buyers engaging with multiple pieces of content before talking to sales, well-aligned content will not only educate prospects but also speed up the closing process.

14. Use Targeted Outbound Approach

Outbound sales can be a powerful engine for growth, but success hinges on setting your sales reps up for victory. Despite the surge in inbound marketing, outbound tactics still play a crucial role. However, 52% of outbound marketers find their efforts ineffective, and 42% of sales reps lack sufficient information before making calls. Yet, 75% of executives are open to appointments or events from cold outreach.

Equip your sales reps with comprehensive insights about prospects’ businesses, pain points, and goals. This preparation enables them to craft compelling messages that drive email opens, callbacks, and appointments. Even in an inbound-focused world, well-executed outbound sales can yield substantial results when reps are well-informed and targeted.

15. Not All Tasks Are Productive

In an ideal world, sales reps would devote all their time to prospecting, emailing, calling, and nurturing leads. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Only 39% of a sales rep’s time is spent directly interacting with prospects and customers. It often takes up to 10 months for new reps to reach full productivity, and only 60% hit their quotas.

But if you can streamline the processes and leverage the right tools to boost productivity. High-performing teams use three times more sales technology than their underperforming counterparts. Focus on improving content search, utilization, and training. 84% of executives see these as top areas for productivity gains. This can be achieved easily through the use of a sales automation software which can help reduce the work burden of redundant tasks. Invest in modern mapping solutions over outdated tools like Streets and Trips or Google Maps to cut down on inefficiencies. One of the top SDR strategies to perform is optimizing processes and tools, you can help your reps work smarter, not harder, and enhance overall team productivity.

16. Provide Sales Training 

Hiring passionate, dynamic reps is just the start. The real challenge is ensuring they have the skills and training needed to excel. Shockingly, over half of sales reps lack basic sales skills, and 58% of buyers feel reps can’t answer their questions effectively. With 84% of sales training lost within 90 days, ongoing education is crucial.

To tackle this you should invest in continuous training. High-performing sales organizations prioritize ongoing development, leading to a $29 return for every dollar spent on training. Workshops, seminars, and resources not only improve skills but also boost engagement and performance. Committing to long-term training can ensure your team is equipped to close deals and hit targets.

17. Create a Motivating SDR Career Path

The sales industry is tough, and turnover is a common challenge. Understanding what makes successful sales reps can help streamline your hiring process. Despite a projected 6% growth in sales representative jobs by 2026, only 39% of salespeople initially intended to pursue this career. With the average SDR performing 94.4 activities daily and account executives spending just 2.7 years on the job, it’s clear that the role demands a lot.

One of the top SDR strategies that you can adopt is to develop a robust hiring process focused on identifying traits that lead to success in sales. Analyze your top performers and pinpoint their key qualities. Use these insights to guide your recruitment efforts, ensuring you bring in reps who are more likely to thrive and stay long-term.

18. Put Your Positive Game Face On

Standing out as an exceptional sales rep requires more than just skill—it’s about earning trust and building genuine connections. To elevate from good to great, focus on collaboration and empathy. Successful reps are 10 times more likely to use inclusive language like “we,” “us,” and “our,” rather than self-focused terms like “I” and “me.”

Engage your prospects by asking insightful questions about their goals and pain points. Optimistic reps also outperform their pessimistic counterparts by 57%, showing that a positive attitude can be a game-changer. Emphasize collaboration and positivity to enhance your sales success and build stronger client relationships.

19. Adopt a Sales CRM 

Another one of the top SDR strategies is having a Sales CRM software. It is a game-changer for modern sales teams, offering unmatched power and efficiency. Sales pros are dedicated, spending between 3 to 10+ hours weekly using CRM tools. These systems are the most popular sales resources, surpassing even social prospecting and data services.

Leverage your CRM to its fullest. It can enhance sales by 29% and increase productivity by 34%. Additionally, 24% more sales reps meet their quotas when they have mobile access to their CRM. By integrating and optimizing your CRM, you’ll streamline processes and drive significant improvements in both sales and productivity.

20. Bring Back Door-to-Door 

Door-to-door sales might seem old-school in today’s tech-driven world, but it’s still thriving for those who have the grit and determination to succeed. To excel in D2D sales, you need a relentless approach and a strong work ethic.

Successful D2D reps canvass neighborhoods three times and engage with 90% of residents. On average, a sales pro generates one lead for every 50 doors knocked, with only 2% of knocks resulting in a sale. Embrace persistence and a positive mindset to turn each door knock into a potential opportunity.

Wrapping Up

As the sales situation evolves with the rise of remote work and advanced technologies, staying ahead requires leveraging best-in-class sales tools and strategies. Today’s top sales teams are adopting integrated communication systems, robust CRM platforms, and seamless third-party integrations to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. These cutting-edge tools empower reps to streamline their processes, nurture leads more effectively, and ultimately boost sales performance. 

Ready to elevate your sales operations and stay competitive in this dynamic market? Discover how our advanced sales technologies can transform your approach and drive success. Fill out the “Get a Demo” form to the left of this blog and see firsthand how our solutions can help you achieve your sales goals.

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