Website Lead Generation Strategies and How to Manage Them

by Sep 12, 2022Sales

As reported by HubSpot, six out of ten marketers emphasize expanding their client base via forerunning lead generation strategies.

They have progressed beyond the first learning phase and are now concentrating on more advanced lead-generating tactics, the trick is always to have a steady stream of high-quality leads entering the pipeline.

If you aren’t quite there yet, feel free to utilize the information in our blog to stand ahead of your competitors in the following fiscal quarter.


What is B2B Lead Generation?

Companies that sell largely to other businesses are referred to as “B2B” or “business-to-business” (B2B) lead generators.

Just one small step can change your life forever. B2B lead generation is the first stage in a typical marketing funnel or sales process.

Lead generation gathers information on a possible client (such as their name, email address, business name, and job title) to send them personalized advertisements or sales pitches. Direct sales to consumers, business-to-consumer (B2C), distinguish B2C lead generation from B2B.

In addition, B2C and B2B firms look for leads in different locations; thus, attempting to get consumers in the same ways as a B2C e-business would be fruitless. HubSpot reports that search engine optimization (14%), email marketing (13%), and social media marketing (12%) are the top three lead generators for business-to-business organizations.

However, B2C receives a larger share of its leads through email, social media, and conventional forms of advertising. Marketers need to get off to the proper start since the nurturing process for B2B and B2C prospects is quite different.

Read about the Sales Automation Process: The Ultimate Guide.

Inbound Marketing Methods for B2B Lead Generation

Learning to get B2B sales leads is only the beginning.

Skyrocket sales in your organization with robust lead-generation strategies. In addition to bringing together the sales and marketing departments, standardized procedures also provide salespeople with a tried-and-true road map for success.

B2B lead generation strategies are used by sales and marketing departments to attract potential clients and convert them into paying customers. What exactly do all of these measures involve, though?

  1. Find business-to-business sales leads.

Finding contact information for prospective buyers is the first step in most B2B lead-generating strategies.

In many cases, businesses either develop their list of potential customers or purchase one from a “lead gen” firm (not advisable for B2B lead generation).

  1. Making Contact With Potential Leads

Cold calling, social networking, and responding to queries are some ways salespeople get (ideally) high-quality leads.

  1. Actively Seeking and Qualifying Leads.

Salespeople evaluate a lead’s conversion probability during conversations with them.

They will determine where potential buyers are in the purchase cycle. These steps consist of:

1. Customer recognizes a need for information regarding a remedy to an issue. Blogs, whitepapers, and case studies are all consumed during the awareness stage.

2. The potential customer has a clear idea of what they want. Before researching and “opening up” to potential suppliers, they would specify their precise requirements.

3. The buyer will have many meetings and check in with other decision-makers to narrow down the list of potential suppliers and ultimately make a purchase.

The sales team will start nurturing efforts or encourage the prospect to schedule a call or demo, depending on where the lead is in the funnel.

Converting prospects into customers is the fourth step.

Success! The client has met numerous competitors but ultimately decided to work with you. To complete their onboarding, we’re handing them over to customer success. Woot!

Have you ever heard of lead routing? Know what it is and why your business should have a proper lead routing setup here.

The Most Effective Methods for Generating Leads

1. Simplify Your Lead Generation Website

Improved potential for conversion as a consequence. If you want more leads, there are several things you can do to improve your website. Firstly, choose a reliable WordPress hosting service. However, are you interested in learning the most effective Internet method for generating leads?

The goal is to minimize the number of clicks required for visitors to complete the desired action on your website. From the customer point of view, see the following things about your website- 

Seventy-six percent of respondents in a poll conducted by HubSpot said they wanted simple site navigation. With nearly half of all internet users now connecting from mobile devices, it makes sense to prioritize mobile-friendly content when building a website.

For easier reading on mobile devices, web pages should be simplified and stripped down to the bare essentials. For your site visitors to convert into leads, you need to ensure that any extraneous content or design elements are not diverting them. That’s why when you develop a lead-generating website, use a clear, easy-to-find call-to-action button. Don’t bury it at the bottom of the page since the scroll depth is not that deep.

Limit the information you request on the signup form to what is necessary. Here, we want to provide a pleasant experience for the user since, this way, it becomes quite easy to generate leads effectively. 

2. Engaging Potential Leads    

Cold calling, social networking, and responding to queries are just some ways salespeople interact with their (ideally) high-quality leads.

3. Profit From Sales Data

Learn about your prospect and their industry to generate leads your sales team will love.

Today’s lead generation strategies for B2B tactics focus on differentiating themselves from the competition via increased consumer relevance.

It takes more than perusing a prospect’s website to get to know them and develop a genuine interest in them. Sales intelligence plays quite an important role in identifying the right clients and making more sales. 

Prospect and client information can be gathered using sales intelligence software. The acquired intent data may shed light on the factors that led to a sale, the customer’s path to purchase, and the customer’s specific requirements.

The key to success with this method of generating leads is to use the marketing data you collect in a manner that is beneficial to your prospect. It aids in the formulation of more productive sales qualifying questions, which in turn improves lead quality.

4. Use Sponsored Content to Your Advantage

In contrast to search engine optimization, this is one of the most effective lead generation strategies in digital marketing. Examples of this kind of paid media include Facebook advertisements, Google AdWords, and sponsored LinkedIn updates.

The key to a successful lead gen campaign on various platforms is ironing out their technical aspect. Making even a little error, such as inputting the erroneous link, may result in significant financial loss with no corresponding increase in revenue.

Besides that, a survey suggests that 63% of clients would abandon a firm after a single unpleasant encounter. The most frustrating things for visitors are broken links and slow-loading media.

5. Offer Irresistible Options

Don’t limit your webinars, free reports, and live demos to just a few signups. Make your blog posts become signup forms. You may provide everything from worksheets and resource guides to PDFs of your blog entries and recipes.

Instead of placing the subscription box in the sidebar, make it a floating window. Put the user on the spot and make them choose. Which is it: do you want this or not? 

This resulted in a 32% improvement in conversion rates during testing.

People may not always have to agree with you, but you shouldn’t make it so simple for them to reject your proposal.

6. The Importance of Search Intent Awareness

There are often three stages to a sales funnel: “top of the funnel” (awareness), “middle of the funnel” (consider. However, have you ever thought of not doing one? What if there was a way to streamline the sales process while cutting costs?

Getting potential buyers into your sales funnel is the first step in converting them from browsers into buyers. However, lead generation strategies have to be user-specific.

Understanding the meaning of the terms you find in your keyword research is the key to bypassing the first and second stages of the sales funnel. You may classify them as either informative, navigational, or transactional and then concentrate on the ones that show a potential customer is interested in making a purchase.

Here is the ultimate guide to Sales CRM

7. Analyze The Competition

Because of the cheap client acquisition cost, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the greatest return on investment (ROI) online lead-generating tactics.

By doing keyword research, you may increase the percentage of leads that convert into sales. Start by using a program like SEMrush or Ahrefs to research broad subject ideas related to your company. Long-tail keywords (three to five words) are more specialized and help you zero in on your potential buyer.

To improve your SEO lead-generating techniques, it is important to look at what other companies in your industry are doing. To better comprehend the marketplace, you may see the kind of content that is successful. It’s a great tool for forecasting key performance indicators and monitoring the efficacy of your lead-generating strategies.

8. Expand Your Advertising Horizons

You may gain more leads and market share thanks to the proliferation of niche-specific advertising platforms like BuySellAds for high-tech leads. To achieve your goals, please follow these instructions:

Dig into your specific specialty to see what other channels your audience frequents. Using your best judgment is essential for the success of this lead generation plan. You shouldn’t go with anything too specific for your platform. A platform may initially seem small, but its user base should not be discounted. Put it to the test and see whether it helps you.

Test out different advertising strategies and compare their lead generation stats with your typical marketing campaigns to find the one that works best for you. The new method of lead creation may be optimized in the future to increase profitability.

9. Promote Yourself with a Free Trial

While I agree that using AI is a promising approach to generating new leads, I am compelled to caution you against doing so.

Many businesses rush toward automation without fully considering the marketing implications. When automation goes wrong (or happens too early), it increases the distance between your business and a lead.

Live demonstrations and presentations are a great way to provide customers a more customized experience and prevent minor issues from becoming major setbacks.

During a live call, you might inquire about a potential customer’s interest in, or disinterest in, your product or service. You may use this criticism to fix the weak spots in your writing and strengthen your final result.

10. Make Use of AI

According to Gartner’s findings, AI will soon become the industry standard. It will reduce the amount of time spent on producing leads by experts.

Chatbots and virtual assistants can be a helpful addition to your lead-generation efforts. In addition to generating more leads, they boost website activity. By analyzing a lead’s past actions on your website, AI may pair them with the person most suited to help them.

This is the most efficient method for producing leads using existing resources. Connecting machine learning algorithms to corporate tools like Slack, Google Analytics, or email automation software tool is possible. Likewise, bots may be integrated with customer relationship management systems. AI systems may then analyze the acquired data to provide information on the source and makeup of your leads.

11. Use Your Professional Connections To Your Advantage

To generate leads in this manner, you need to establish contact with potential partners and salespeople.  Be careful while choosing the proper kind of individual to represent your business.

Joining forces with strangers is a waste of time. Contact your industry leaders for endorsements, and you’ll attract the attention of potential customers. They’ll be able to talk about the advantages of your product naturally, without reading from a script.

Because individuals like to do business with others, this might become one of your most effective lead-generating tactics. Research shows that just 36% of clients have faith in the recommendations of firm personnel, whereas 59% have faith in the recommendations of employees from other companies.

12. Make Them See the Actual Outcomes

High-Speed Training’s ROI skyrocketed as they wrote an in-depth study aimed at hospitality sector purchasers.

The report helped establish them as an industry frontrunner, increased traffic to their site, and garnered attention from 38 news organizations.

B2B customers typically see items of material before making a purchase. Content may be found in various places, such as the vendor’s website, in-depth reports, and independent evaluations.

13. Leverage the Data

If you have a healthy respect for data, it can do wonders for your inbound lead production. How?

Establish yourself as a reliable resource for industry-related facts, figures, and trends. Achieving thought-leadership positions will aid you in the following ways:

Establish yourself as a leader and expert in your field.

Generate powerful SEO backlinks and PR coverage.

14. Prove Your Worth to Prospective Customers

Make Your Website More Customizable with Dynamic Content

In B2B lead generation strategies, a customized website is no longer an added plus. It’s essential.

15. Take Advantage of Dynamic Pages

Use dynamic pages and material that changes based on the users:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Company

16. Think You’re Too Bored to Try the Interactive Method?

People are social creatures with a built-in bias toward achievement. More prospects will be enticed to continue their journey through the sales funnel if you can include gaming components in your lead generation strategies.

By requiring users to provide contact information to take part in a gamified experience, like signing up for an email list, businesses can gain new prospects. You may do anything from spinning the wheel on your site to taking a quiz that will help you choose the perfect product for you.

Landing pages can also feature interactive games. Alternatively, to lock away expensive content behind a paywall, you could have the lead-generating form appear only after the user has completed the game. If they are interested at that point, they are more likely to give up their information.

17. Remarketing Efforts Should Be Amplified

With remarketing, you may track users who have visited your site and display ads when they use other popular websites like Gmail, YouTube, Google, and Facebook.

Since 97% of visitors to your landing page won’t convert, this feature is crucial for converting page exiters into prospective customers; by putting you back in front of your audience, remarketing boosts the impact of all of your other startup marketing efforts (content marketing, social media marketing, etc.).

You can target 92% of the U.S. online population across millions of pages, videos, and gadgets with Google Display Network remarketing. We observed that remarketing advertising had around half the tiredness rate of traditional ads, so risk! Get going quickly with the help of our Remarketing Cheat Sheet.

18. Use Gmail Ads

Here’s another idea for out-leading the competition and producing a flood of leads. Gmail ads are an effective method of reaching your desired demographic.

Customers of competing SaaS businesses are the most valuable target market of all. Your AdWords campaign may be laser-focused only to reach individuals who get emails from your rivals using Gmail Ads, providing you instant access to people who already use comparable goods.

Many approaches exist for this purpose. One strategy is to go for search terms that are also being used by your rivals. Join your rivals’ email lists, take a tally of the terms and phrases they use most often, and include them as keywords.

Know About Different Stages of Lead Journey

Keys to Effective Lead Management

Acquire Expertise in Identifying the Best Lead Source

There are several stages in the sales funnel where leads might arrive from different sources. An easy definition: a lead source is “the first place a consumer first learns about you.” Let’s look at some examples from PR 20/20’s list to understand the breadth and depth of these resources, which naturally vary by company and field.

  • Premium content
  • Blogs
  • Website
  • Search
  • Events
  • Referrals
  • Articles in the media
  • Email marketing
  • Promoting Products to Customers Directly
  • Advertising in the digital realm
  • Networking sites or social media

Differentiate between these many data sources. A lead generated at a trade show should be handled differently from one generated from your website. Remember: Varied lead sources come in different contexts. All of the above would be considered part of the trade show lead in the example above, not just the prospect’s request for an inquiry. More goods or services might be bought as a result. 

When thinking about how to follow up, remembering where your leads came from effectively is crucial.

Correctly Obtaining the Leading Indicators

HubSpot describes lead scoring as “the process of assigning values, often numerical †points,’ to each lead you generate for the business.” This score informs sales and marketing teams which leads are more important to follow up with, which are more likely to result in a sale, which needs more nurturing, etc. Lead scoring methods may differ somewhat from firm to company. However, there are generally accepted standards that may be used.

Scoring a lead involves numerous considerations, and the method in which those considerations are scored can provide light on your next steps. HubSpot provides a list of the six available lead scoring models, which are:

  • Statistics about the population
  • Facts about the Firm
  • Activities in Virtual Environments
  • Response to Email
  • Conversations with Others
  • Stopping spam
  • Start the ball rolling, would you?

Have Clean Data Available

You must use accurate and up-to-date information. The only way to know how many leads your efforts are producing and how to follow up with them is to use a scoring system.

To guarantee that all parties following up with a lead have access to relevant information, all communications with that lead must be documented and made accessible. This prevents prospects from getting too many, too few, or unnecessary messages while ensuring they are correctly pushed through the sales funnel. Too much contact with a prospect might cause them to opt out of further contact or cause them to delete their email address from your lists. Alternatively, if a prospect doesn’t hear from a company often enough, they can forget about it. They could even start talking to an enemy of your business.

Marketo describes lead nurturing as “the practice of creating and maintaining connections with buyers at every level of the sales funnel,” which is appropriate given that leads enter your pipeline at different points. The marketing and sales teams must collaborate to convert leads at every point of the funnel. It’s important to treat leads differently depending on what stage they’re at.

Communications, promotions, and information provided to a prospect at the beginning of the cycle will look substantially different from those sent to a lead who is familiar with the product and is close to making a purchase decision.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most popular and efficient platforms for lead nurturing. To nurture leads through email, consider the following:

The email equivalent of a check-in. It’s important to follow up with leads you haven’t heard from in some time. A “checking in” email is just a brief message to see if you can help with anything. Possible FAQ coverage means the lead can avoid some of them.

This is the promotional email. A traditional email gives the recipient some bonus, such as a price reduction, product upgrade, bonus, or another incentive. The value of your products or services to certain consumer demographics should inform your product development strategy.

In other words, it’s the email of loyalty. Sending highly customized emails lets you keep clients abreast of new products, sales, and other developments. The “inactive” phase of the sales cycle is when you’ll get these updates.

Lead Management Review

Your B2B lead management process, like all other business processes, needs frequent monitoring and evaluation. Teams must be educated and re-informed when new customer relationship management (CRM) software, lead management strategies, and procedures are implemented. Ensure your advertising has the desired effect and that your sales staff is making the most of every opportunity. When your industry’s demands change, so must your strategies, and this means that what worked before may not work as well or at all.

The issue of scalability is a good illustration of this. It’s possible that if your business expands and starts receiving more leads, its current procedures won’t be able to keep up with the resulting flow of potential customers. We should be grateful for this issue, but it has the potential to escalate quickly. A variety of lead management applications exist, which is good news.

Depict Your Expertise

By consistently demonstrating your expertise, you can boost the number of leads entering your lead management system and keep them returning for more. Time and effort are required to establish oneself as a respected leader in one’s field. However, the payoff is substantial in terms of increased brand recognition, customer retention, and new business.

The confidence of consumers and the attention of peers may be yours simply by elevating your company to the status of an industry leader. This must be accomplished in several ways within your firm, such as the selection of business partners and the treatment of potential customers. Trust from your present clientele and, more significantly, from your leads will grow rapidly if you provide value to them and approach them as consultants.


Wrapping It Up

I want to conclude this blog about lead generation strategies with a few things. Organizations need to follow different types of lead strategies, and once leads are generated, keeping track of them properly would make a world of difference, too. So, if you are looking for reliable lead management software, look no further. Office24by7 can be your partner in this process. Our sales CRM has multiple features that will help you from the lead management stage to the deal conversion stage. It is quite simple and effective at the same time. If you want to know more, call us at +91 7097171717 or email us at

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