Sales Automation Software- Why Does Your Business Need It?

by Nov 16, 2022Sales

Don’t throw away time and money by putting off using sales automation tools. 

Envision an army of hardworking workers that tirelessly do all the necessary but dull administrative activities to keep your company afloat. In the meanwhile, the rest of your team is probably hard at work on something crucial, like making a sale. All of your company activities will run smoothly and efficiently thanks to the combined efforts of these groups. 

Not enough money to employ a full staff of permanent helpers available around the clock? The answer lies in the use of sales automation software.  


Simply put, what is sales automation?

The term “sales automation” refers to the practice of using automation software to do repetitive, predictable work inside the sales department.

Consider tasks like invoicing, emailing a follow-up, or responding to inquiries from clients. Time spent on such administrative duties might significantly reduce productivity. Furthermore, they are often required to be carried out on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. 

By handing off these responsibilities to a sales automation system, you may free up more time for other activities and improve efficiency. Much cheaper than recruiting a new employee who shares your enthusiasm for mindless drudgery. Up to a third of your sales processes may be automated! 


To what extent can sales automation software help a company?

In a nutshell, sales automation programs boost output and income. Utilizing sales automation has been shown to raise productivity by 10–15% and boost revenue by the same amount for businesses.

Despite these substantial advantages, just 25% of businesses have automated their sales processes. To put it another way, it indicates that 75% of businesses are wasting time. 

Here’s how sales automation can help you out if you fall into that category. 

Increase productivity and effectiveness in your sales process by streamlining and optimizing it

Utilizing automation solutions, you may get to work on crucial (but slow) sales funnel tasks. Customers’ names and email addresses being compiled? It’s no sweat. Creating specific and targeted email messages? Easy as pie.

Software built for automation may even suggest related products and walk the shopper through the checkout process.

Make sure none of your potential customers get lost in the shuffle

One’s first impression is often the most lasting. New business might be lost if you don’t follow up with leads. It’s inevitable if you’re the one responsible for sending all the follow-up emails.

Enhance contentment of existing customers

Customer service with a personal touch is important. The use of automation has caused concern among company owners who fear losing that human touch. But if you use the proper approach to automation, you may get the opposite impact. If your staff has more time on their hands, they will be able to give greater assistance to clients in a timely manner.

Entire Organization is on Same Page

To keep everything organized and easy to access, sales automation systems may sync with your customer support software. If sales information is consolidated in one place, everyone on the team can work together more efficiently. Then you may all benefit from each other’s work rather than duplicate it.

Analyze how you stack up against similar performers

An additional feature of automation software tool is the ability to report on the status of completed activities. Whenever you need it, you may get information on key performance indicators like new subscribers and qualified leads. To monitor development and establish objectives, use these analytics. The best part is that you won’t have to waste time making them.


How Businesses Can Use Sales Automation Software? 

At the conclusion of this piece, you’ll find a collection of tools that can accomplish everything on this list and more, but first, let’s take a look at some of the most important things that sales automation can do for sales professionals.

Gathering Information

It takes a lot of time, but gathering data is essential. Manually entering fresh leads into a customer relationship management system might consume whole afternoons. Data collection and client record maintenance are two tasks that may be handled by sales automation software. You need a program that communicates with all of your lead sources in order to have a single, comprehensive database.


It is important to make contact with potential customers after you have generated quality leads. Some trepidation about using automation for lead generation is understandable. We can’t ignore these emails, after all. The communication must be friendly and human, not cold and mechanical. Your greetings and announcements ought to put your potential customers at ease while while setting the appropriate mood.

Fortunately, you can use the gathered information to automatically send a tailored email to each lead. Triggers, such as contacting leads who register for an event, may be altered to suit individual needs. This makes sure that every marketing message is delivered at the precise moment when the recipient is most receptive.

Taking the offensive initiative

It’s estimated that just 10–15% of leads really result in closed deals. You should prioritize the highest-quality leads if you want to get the best return on investment. Lead creation, lead scoring, and allocating resources to the most fruitful areas of the sales funnel are all made easier with the aid of sales automation software.


Sometimes it seems like arranging a phone conversation is as complicated as launching a rocket. Planning anything requires taking into account not only dates and times but also things like public holidays, moon phases, and other people’s schedules. The most efficient method for organizing meetings is to automate it. Simply share one link with your prospect, and they may choose a time that suits both of your schedules. Make it possible for clients to book their own appointments in-store using a program like Heyday.

Email standardization and robotic processing

Marketing through email has the highest return on investment, at $42 for every $1 put in. But despite this, 47% of sales teams are still relying on manual email sending. Scheduling a sales call by hand-typing each email and contact number is an inefficient use of time. While it saves time, copying and pasting often results in errors. A client email template is the ideal option since it can be customized with specific information about each customer.

These email campaigns may be designed and sent automatically using sales automation software. Your small firm may expand in tandem with the software’s capabilities. In the same amount of time, you can send out automated communications to either 100 or 10,000 eligible prospects. If and when a consumer is ready for a live conversation, you may then jump in.

Processing orders

Shopify, like other e-commerce platforms, makes it simple to automate order management. Numerous order-management applications may be used in tandem with the system. Invoices, tracking numbers, and delivery status updates are all able to be generated using them.

In addition, a post-order survey to gauge client happiness may be set to automatically trigger.

Questions and Answers from the Help Desk

It is a big time saving to have the most commonly requested questions answered automatically. Your clients will appreciate it, too! They now have access to quicker, more reliable service at any time of day or night. Using Heyday’s chatbot, one organization was able to fully automate answering 88 percent of client enquiries! To the remaining 12% who required human intervention, this meant quicker service. 

Appointing time for social media

Currently, Instagram has over 100 million users, with over half of them using the service on a daily basis. 7 out of 10 Facebook users and almost half of all Twitter users agree. In order to compete, your business has to have an active presence on social media. Thankfully, updating every single platform would be overkill. Hootsuite is one example of a social media management platform that may be used.

At this juncture, it’s important to remember that no amount of technology can replace human supervision.  

Automation is always a team player, working in tandem with your group. You need to keep an eye on your channels and interact with your followers. If you have any unflattering planned postings, be sure to remove them.

Requests for Proposals and Agreements

Concluding a contract with the aid of automation is possible. Automation software may scrape relevant information from your CRM and utilize it to prepopulate a template for future proposals, saving you time and effort. Human mistake is also reduced as a result.

Documents may be tracked by these technologies as well. When the client has examined and signed the document, you will be notified. Automating reminders is a great time saver.


Producing regular reports is a pain, but they are essential for monitoring your progress. Instead, you should use the usage of software applications that have analytics features in order to track company performance. Social media analytics, chatbot metrics, and sales information are all examples.


Best 12 Sales Automation Tools of 2022

Many resources exist with the potential to revolutionize your company. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the tools we consider essential.


With Office24by7 your sales team will be able to better understand and nurture your prospects thanks to the platform’s sophisticated conversational intelligence analysis.

The features of Office24by7 include:

  • Improve script adherence and regulatory oversight with automatic call scoring and automation of the call flow.
  • High-value, high-probability-of-purchasing prospects can be automatically prioritized by analyzing data from a broad range of owned and third-party sources, allowing for faster time-to-revenue.
  • High-churn clients can be identified automatically, and renewals can be saved by zeroing in on accounts with a high propensity to churn.
  • Optimize your customer service with automation and individualization by analyzing call and chat logs and automated post-interaction surveys to learn why customers buy or don’t buy.
  • Gain better oversight of your agents and the pipeline of potential customers, lighten your workload, and devote more time to actively marketing your company.

 2. Hootsuite

The time commitment required to maintain an active social media presence has increased exponentially along with its importance. Hootsuite makes it easy to plan content and distribute it across several social media sites. Moreover, it gives you access to the most crucial metrics for your social network accounts. It also consolidates your several social networking accounts into a single, user-friendly interface.

Hootsuite is a social media management platform that extends beyond only allowing you to publish and track reactions. You can eavesdrop on vital discussions between customers and your staff, allowing you to better coordinate responses. In addition, Hootsuite can help your sales staff locate and engage with prospective customers. 

As the importance of social commerce continues to rise, Hootsuite now allows you to sell items directly on Instagram. 

3. LeadGenius

LeadGenius facilitates communication between sales and marketing teams and qualified leads. The Flow browser add-on from LeadGenius allows you to easily automate data collection processes. New leads can be discovered fast, and your current contacts can be kept up to date. 

Moreover, DataGenius allows you to find accounts and connections online that are in line with your ideal client profile. There will be fewer hours spent prospecting and more high-quality leads to pursue. You’ve probably heard the adage “smarter, not harder.” That’s precisely what I mean.

4. Overloop

Sales automation software Overloop (formerly known as is used for outbound marketing software initiatives. You can now monitor the efficacy of your sales team’s multi-channel prospecting efforts at scale. You may then design your own flows to get your desired outcomes.

Overloop may also be used to streamline your organization’s business development and hiring processes. As an added bonus, it can work along with other automation software to provide a streamlined process. 

5. Navigator for LinkedIn’s Sales Force

Where do you recommend looking for potential new clients? At least it’s the biggest business network in the world. 

LinkedIn has over 830 million users, so it’s likely that you’ll find the person you’re looking for there. You may also use Sales Navigator’s refined search parameters to zero in on potential customers. Leads may be managed in-platform or exported to a customer relationship management system.

6. Gong

Why do some conversations result in an agreement while others in nothing more than wasted time? You may put an end to your curiosity with Gong. It records and analyzes your encounters with customers, revealing insights on the methods that have proven most successful. In a nutshell, it turns retaining clients into a quantifiable science.

Every member of your sales team may become a rock star with the aid of Gong’s data-driven processes. If there are holes in your sales funnel, you need to fix them and fix them quickly.

7. Calendly

Never mind the hassle of coordinating schedules back and forth. It just takes a few clicks for your potential clients and customers to schedule appointments with you using Calendly. You won’t have to write “Are you free Monday afternoon for a call?” in an email ever again. Just imagine the follow-up: “Okay, how about Tuesday? ”

Calendly, which launched in 2013, had explosive growth throughout the epidemic. The user base increased by an astonishing 1,180% in 2020 alone (the quick rise of virtual meetings maybe playing a role) 

It syncs with your schedule automatically, making it easy to plan your free time. Data collection and automated follow-ups are also available. 

8. Salesforce

Eighty-four percent of consumers place equal importance on the quality of their service and the products they get. You need to offer first-rate service to your customers if you want to remain competitive. For this reason, a customer relationship management system is essential. 

Customer relationship management systems facilitate collaboration across teams by centralizing customer information. That way, everyone is on the same page and can track the progress of the various initiatives. From the consumer standpoint, it’s smoother, more coordinated help at every stage.

There is a strong reason why Salesforce is considered the best CRM software in India. It may be tailored to your specific company requirements and works seamlessly with the other programs you now use. In addition, mundane tasks like emailing for permission or entering data may be computerized.

9. Sales Hub

Extra powerful CRM choice, good for any size team. You can monitor the progress of your sales team and see how effective they are thanks to the Hubspot Sales Hub. 

You can automate the nurturing of clients and leads using flowcharts. Reduce the amount of time spent registering leads and delivering emails while while boosting sales and reader engagement.

Sales Hub offers free and low-cost monthly options for startups and small companies. You can make the most of your limited resources as you expand, allowing you to scale as needed. 

10. ClientPoint

With ClientPoint, creating and exchanging documents is a breeze. Documents such as contracts, proposals, and data packages fall under this category.

ClientPoint additionally provides document-specific statistics and the ability to schedule deal-closing notifications and reminders.

11. Yesware

You probably have a significant amount of email outreach performed by your sales staff. Yesware allows you to monitor the efficacy of your messages and improve the efficiency with which you respond. It works seamlessly with your preferred email client, eliminating any unnecessary hassle. Yesware does all the heavy lifting of data collection and insight sharing with your team, so you don’t have to lift a finger.

In addition, Yesware allows you to keep your most effective emails as templates, making it easy to replicate past results. It also has time management and email sending capabilities. 

12. Zapier

Zapier is a software that connects other applications together. You may set up seamless automated processes by connecting many apps together. Create a “Zap” between Shopify and Gmail, for instance, and you’ll be able to automatically send customised welcome emails to new clients. Or, integrate Hootsuite and Slack with Zapier to automatically share weekly social media reports with your staff. With more than 5,000 applications available, the options are almost limitless.

Get set to integrate sales automation into your business. You can see how conversational AI can improve your business and your customers’ experiences by trying out a trial of Heyday. 

12 Must Have Sales Automation Features

1. Sales CRM

Strong customer relationship management (CRM) software is essential for every business. You might think of it as the nerve center of your company.

Using a customer relationship management system may improve your life in many ways:

  • It’s a one-stop shop for keeping and retrieving vital records.
  • It makes it easier for groups to talk to one another.
  • Using it, you may spot ineffective procedures and fix them.
  • It monitors how well your business’s sales, marketing, and customer service procedures are doing.
  • It’s helpful for upselling and cross-selling initiatives.

One of the most pressing problems encountered by sales teams is solved by a customer relationship management system. According to HubSpot’s 2018 State of Inbound report, 27% of salespeople spend more than an hour each day on data entry tasks. As a result, they are unable to focus on making sales but instead must spend time on administrative tasks.

Office24by7 CRM is an example of a powerful CRM software tool that can automate many of your sales team’s manual tasks to free up their time for more productive activities like closing deals.

2. Calling

It’s important to be completely honest with yourself when you assess your sales procedures. It’s important to recognize that some sales teams lack the motivation to make calls.

Instead of providing your sales staff vague instructions such as “contact your prospects,” you may establish explicit expectations with a specific number of calls to make. Three to four times every week, each member of your sales staff should spend an hour on the phone with potential customers.

To make it simple for salespeople to schedule time for warm calling, sales managers may make use of auto-dialing tools in their sales automation platform with the click of a single button.

Sales teams are prompted to take action by the program. With only a set of headphones and a list of calls to make, the team can get right to work.

3. Methods, Flowcharts, and Sequences

These are must-have resources for eliminating wasteful practices and saving significant amounts of time. So that you don’t have to start from scratch with every contact, you may create templates that everyone on your team can use and adapt to their own workflows.

Prospects may be enrolled in email drip campaigns that incorporate customization tokens and offer high-value messages in sequences. When a lead engages with a CTA in one of your sequences, your sales team will be alerted immediately so they can follow up.

4. Notifications

Regarding alerts, these instant messages are crucial to the success of your team’s outreach efforts. Your sales staff will be able to pounce on opportunities when they become active and engaged with your brand, picking up the phone or firing off an email.

Notifications are also useful when previously inactive leads begin interacting with your website again. Your group may start up just where you left off without any hiccups.

5. Playbooks

When it comes to prospect qualification, for example, every sales team has access to crucial data. For situations like these, having a playbook on hand is invaluable.

Use this section to compile helpful materials and strategies for boosting sales. Playbooks are ideal for training reasons and for ensuring internal process consistency.

If you’re in the sales industry, your library can help you cover all the bases when it comes to things like employee promotions.

6. Meetings

There may be a great deal of going back and forth with potential clients when setting up appointments. An alternative to waiting around is to promptly set a convenient time and secure a prospect.

Sixty percent of sales representatives report an increase in virtual meetings since 2015. Virtual meeting solutions have been available for some time, and they’re becoming more popular. Since COVID-19, when more individuals started working from home, this trend has only accelerated.

Using meeting tools, it’s easier to keep employees informed about strategic shifts and streamline internal communications. If you want to make sure your sales efforts are in line with the company’s long-term objectives, you may, for instance, host virtual board meetings and allow your sales executives to participate.

You may also schedule automated email reminders to confirm when and where your appointment will take place, with the opportunity for prospects to rebook and automatically generate new records in your customer relationship management system.

7. Documents

The document management tools provided by your sales automation platform are crucial in helping your team determine which pieces of sales material are succeeding and which may need some tweaks.

You and your team may monitor the recipient’s engagement with the material you send them directly from the document tool. You can track who in the prospect’s company is reading it and who is forwarding it to others.

You will know you have the support of the company if you get a lot of positive feedback and feedback from higher-ups. However, you probably don’t have much buy-in if you transmit a significant document like a proposal and see little sharing or interaction.

The ultimate litmus test for a prospect’s earnestness may be found in monitoring document metrics.

8. Live Help and Chatbots

These options are becoming increasingly frequent since they enhance the user experience and increase the likelihood that a visitor will return to your site. It puts them in direct contact with your sales staff.

In this way, any questions a site visitor may have while perusing your price page or post on your blog may be promptly addressed. Once that happens, sales are alerted instantly and may act accordingly.

Conversational interfaces, whether human-to-human or computer-to-computer, provide several benefits. Make sure you’re capitalizing on the benefits of both as you formulate your approach.

9. Video

Engage your audience using videos stored in your sales automation software tools in India. It’s a chance to really connect with a potential customer.

Integrating video into your sales scripts and sample documents is another option. It is important that your sales staff has access to tools that allow them to make customized movies for their clients.

The vast majority of B2B customers (70%) use video at some stage throughout the purchasing process. Potential customers are even more impressed when the salesman appears in the video with a relevant message.

10. Prices and Offerings

Before the advent of these tools, salesmen had to manually adjust estimates for every transaction. Fortunately, the sales platform now makes it easy for your team to import goods and create a price resource.

In only 15 minutes, they can pull up relevant information about contacts, businesses, and products to generate a quotation and then make a few simple changes to send a polished message.

11. Input and Output: Recording and Transcribing

It might be challenging for sales representatives to take notes and maintain an interesting, in-depth conversation during a typical sales call.

The problem arises when your representatives fail to remember the correct response. Your sales team will be more efficient if they have access to call recordings and transcriptions to review and categorize.

It’s challenging to pay full attention and participate in a call. Because everything is being recorded, you may carry on a natural conversation while waiting to fill in the blanks.

You may easily add context and insightful comments to the call record by referring to your notes and adding them during the transcribing process.

Training may also benefit from the use of recordings and transcriptions. An essential part of training new sales staff is playing back recorded phone conversations.

You may optimize your call procedures by tweaking your current call structure.

This is quite helpful for sales management. They may listen in on conversations, make notes, provide advice, and discuss the calls’ aftermath with salespeople. This method of coaching salespeople is less adversarial and more organized than the alternative.

12. E-signatures

The final objective is to design a sales procedure with no obstacles. And electronic signatures play a significant role in streamlining a variety of processes, including having your proposals approved.

No one likes having to print out proposals to sign and fax back. This cumbersome, outmoded procedure lengthens the sales cycle, which is inconvenient for everyone involved.

Investigate the characteristics of potential sales automation systems and determine how you can integrate their use into your current workflow without delay.

If you have the correct infrastructure in place, you can be up and running quickly and begin achieving your sales targets in no time.


Why Does Even Tiny Enterprises Require Sales Software?

It is very uncommon for smaller enterprises to take on bigger brands despite having less resources (money, people, and customers). Sales software aids smaller teams by enhancing productivity, enhancing customer service, and predicting future sales trends. Most modern sales solutions are hosted in the cloud and may be obtained via a monthly subscription, making them more affordable for small firms than traditional sales software.

Features of sales software vary by solution and vendor, but generally speaking, sales software aids in the following ways:

  • Facilitating communication between the two departments (sales and marketing)
  • By providing quick access to vital information, this tool helps sales managers make more informed and timely business choices 
  • Information about sales cycles, customer habits, and other trends 
  • Sales are pushed forward by tracking down lost leads and keeping tabs on where each and every lead is in the sales process.
  • By automating routine tasks, your team will be free to focus on activities that will bring in money.
  • To improve communication and coordination between sales, marketing, and customer service departments, small businesses can implement Salesforce’s small business solution.


Getting Your Company Ready for a Sales Automation System

An effective sales process relies heavily on sales automation. The sales procedure plays a vital role in the operation of any firm. Good sales automation software is a great place to start if you want to improve your sales process. Listed below are some suggestions for arranging the components.

#1: Select a Suitable Software Environment

A software platform is required to automate your sales process. The software’s ability to aid you in closing deals should be a primary factor in your decision.

#2: Establish a Structure for Making Sales

More sales leads can be generated with automation software tool , and with the right kind of management, those leads may be converted into actual sales of goods and services. Establishing a systematic approach to sales can increase your chances of succeeding in reaching your target.

#3: Form a Successful Group

A well-motivated and trained sales force is essential for automation to succeed. Teams need access to training and coaching to help them reap the advantages of automation.

The question is, how can you program sales to happen automatically?

For the sales process to be fully automated, it is necessary to examine each individual activity and stage. Totally automating one category may not be possible with another. You can’t employ a robot to provide demonstrations, but you can use email templates to set up meetings with potential clients and sales tools to assist your team put up bids and presentations.

To ensure a successful automation rollout, keep the following in mind:

1. Set some objectives

For fear of falling behind rivals, several businesses have begun experimenting with support automation software in India. Though true, a well-thought-out plan for sales automation will provide considerably better results.

To begin, it’s important to consider why automation is necessary. Why do chances and information always seem to go through the cracks? Possible explanation: too much paperwork for your sales staff. Maybe you’re looking for a better way to monitor progress.

All of these things, and more, maybe in the response. Prioritize the many possible applications throughout the sales process. The following are some typical applications of sales and marketing automation tools:

  • Sales lead creation and prospecting.
  • First in scoring and qualifying
  • Maintaining and improving customer information.
  • Separating potential clients into subgroups
  • Plans for correspondence (like email chains) and estimated completion times (e.g., reminders)
  • Keeping tabs on the sales cycle and orders (e.g., cold calls, follow-ups, order status reports)
  • Making plans for presentations and other gatherings
  • The Making and Submitting of Proposals
  • Reporting on transactions and outcomes (especially useful for sales managers)

2. Processes should be standardized

Methods of data input, naming conventions, timeframes, sales best practices, and other sales-related operations must be standardized across teams.

Using the software, you can standardize your sales process and gather all of your data in one place. Nonetheless, if you are still on the hunt for effective sales automation systems, it is to your advantage to enter the purchase process with a clear idea of which processes require standardization and which do not.

3. Start using customer relationship management software

Your customer relationship management (CRM) system is the most crucial of all the digital instruments at your disposal. Most of your client information will be stored here, making it the nerve core of your sales operation. Your customer relationship management system (CRM) and any third-party applications that interact with it should have all the information your team needs for individual clients.

Getting a customer relationship management system and moving your data there should be an early priority. When deciding which paper records to digitize, you should take into account the possibility of losing some information. This will allow for the automated updating and correction of client data, as well as the sorting of data based on demographics or other lead qualifying variables.

4. Do AI in Baby Steps

Effective AI implementation has the potential to be very useful. AI chatbots and other customer-facing apps are a good place to start if you’re just getting started with AI.

Artificial intelligence chatbots will facilitate automated lead creation at the top of the sales funnel. Proactively reaching out to website users, setting off certain qualifying processes, and collecting data that can be used by sales representatives thereafter are all possible thanks to chatbots. Over time, they may also learn to improve the quality of their interactions with potential consumers.

5. Study existing examples

Do your outbound salespeople use template emails, or do they come up with their own content? In addition to being ineffective, this inhibits your firm from speaking with a unified voice and tone.

You may utilize the pre-made templates that come with certain marketing automation solutions, or you can make your own from scratch and import it. For instance, a sales system enables you to build your own automated cold email sequences, send them, and monitor the outcomes.

Planning to start crafting your email layouts? You may start with some of the more common and useful ones listed below.

Other duties, such as requests for proposals, reports, etc., may also benefit from the use of templates.

6. Combine processes and information

The success of every firm may be directly tied to how well they have centralized their data and operations. Your team should only have to edit a piece of information once, and the change should be live across systems; having everything in one place enables you to assure the quality and completeness of data, and it saves time when you have to make adjustments.

That’s why several kinds of automation tools are built to work together with your existing infrastructure. For instance, your customer relationship management system and sales chatbot should be able to communicate with one another, as should your outreach management system and appointment scheduling software.

Make it a priority to consolidate separate systems by noting the required integrations.

7. Prepare your workforce

The effectiveness of a sales automation system relies heavily on the quality of its change management. Your sales team’s routine will shift as software automates some of the tasks they formerly performed manually. This implies they’ll require guidance on how to reorganize their remaining work and how to use the new methods for time-consuming jobs. Additionally, IT has to educate sales managers on how to effectively configure and track systems (and KPIs).

The best way to get your sales staff to fully embrace automation is via transparent communication, informative courses, and well-organized documentation.

If sales automation is so crucial, why do we need it?

Incorporating sales automation into your strategy for the current year and future is highly recommended. Just a few examples:

They’re already being done by your competition

According to data gathered by Social Media Today for their 2019 State of Marketing Automation Survey study, seventy-five percent of all firms are already making use of some kind of marketing automation technology to increase revenue and decrease workload. Since your rivals are already employing these technologies, you’ll need to come up with technical answers if you want to keep up.

A quicker increase in sales is possible

The use of automation may considerably increase earnings. 61% of firms adopting automation reported exceeding revenue objectives in 2020, according to HubSpot, and 9.6% are more likely to have a very mature sales automation plan, according to Hinge Research.

By eliminating administrative tasks, sales automation frees your team to concentrate on closing deals instead.

Human Touch will Change Things for Good

Leads are more likely to take action if they have a personal connection to your company, but doing so at scale without overwhelming your sales force may be challenging. Manual operations, like sending out first and subsequent emails to prospects, may be automated with the aid of sales automation software.

According to Epsilon’s research, the performance of triggered click rates is 151.9% greater than that of business-as-usual communications. In order to improve productivity and save wasted time on administrative activities, consider investing in software that can automate the sending of personalized text messages and other forms of outreach.

Inefficient Old Processes are Holding it Back

The majority of CEOs (51%) cited inefficient processes and a lack of automation as major obstacles to attaining corporate objectives in a 2021 survey conducted by LiveVox. The use of conversational intelligence enabled by artificial intelligence in sales automation software may help you determine which processes will most benefit your company’s customers and employees.


Programming Sales Automation Tool the Right Way

There are several types of sales automation, but the most effective ones streamline as much of the process as possible, both for the potential client and for the company’s internal staff. To do this, you’ll need a sales automation technology capable of meeting your requirements.

Here are a few ideas on how to employ sales automation on both the buyer’s and seller’s sides of the table.

Know Which Leads are Succeeding

Give your sales automation tool access to all the information you have about your clients, including their purchase history, contact information (such as email addresses), and engagement with your brand across various social media sites. Keep track of leads and consumers’ feelings, motivations, and levels of effort so you can upsell effectively.

Make use of your software’s built-in analytics to determine which prospects would benefit most from your nurturing efforts, and focus on cultivating those leads first.

What we feed leads to what we harvest

Get prospective consumers closer to making a purchase decision by sending them automated, helpful messages at the right time. Determine which messages and activities are most effective, and then use those same strategies with fresh leads.

React rapidly to questions

To save time and effort from your sales staff, you may reduce response times by automatically finding and distributing important papers to prospective clients.

Learn from your customers’ actions

Gain visibility into the sales process with data-driven insights, and adjust the customer experience as needed to boost revenue. Figure out what influences customers’ actions and do anything to rectify your lead-generating strategy.

Take into account and act on client comments

Get unobtrusive data on what converts leads into qualified clients by having surveys sent out automatically at the appropriate times. Take measures to enhance the sales procedure and sales results.

Distribute leads mechanically to the appropriate agent

Assign sales lead to the most qualified salesperson taking into account factors such as the lead’s industry, territory, past experiences with your brand, and future potential. If you want to increase your chances of closing, it’s important that the correct individual takes the lead.

Accurately projecting future events

Take data analysis to the next level and find out what is and isn’t working. You can increase sales output and figure out why your conversions have been so effective by using AI (or not).

Create in-depth analyses and reports

If many teams could use a single sales automation platform, it would be much easier to keep track of data and reduce the possibility of miscommunication. Make better sales choices using the data you collect in simple reports and dashboards.

Handle Repetitive Tasks

Schedule meetings and send out email updates automatically, and remind your staff to physically check in with customers and handle other duties that can’t be automated.

Consider your group’s performance and back your agents

Assess the efficacy of your sales efforts by examining the language and numbers behind your team’s interactions with prospects. Help underperforming salespeople by providing them with high-quality leads and automating tedious activities.


Wrapping It Up

It is time for your organization to ditch your old school systems and focus on adopting sales automation software. Office24by7 is here to aid you in the process. You can contact us on or give us a call on +91 7097171717 for more details. 

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Sales automation