How Does Cloud Telephony and CRM Integration Benefits Business?

by Jun 18, 2024Integrations

How cloud telephony integration with CRM helps businesses.

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No matter what your business is, CRM software helps you manage, store, and analyze all your customers and their interactions in a unified space. A CRM can help you track who, when, and where a customer is created till their latest communication, purchases, and support requests. This helps businesses provide high-valued long-term relationships with their customers. But if all the communications happen outside this database, it would be practically difficult to track all these data as well as update the customer profiles post interaction. This is where cloud telephony integration with CRM comes into play. 

Your sales agent, who might be in a remote location might receive a call from one of his potential clients saying that they are ready for a purchase. This is a situation that calls for your most valued purchase, your CRM software. But the call the agent received was on his number. He picks up the call and then tries to remember the client’s history, their specific requirements, the price quote he had discussed, and more. Being outside the office remembering these details as well as gathering further information on the deal becomes tricky and difficult.

But if your company had purchased a cloud telephony integrated CRM software the situation would have been very different. The agent can seamlessly access all client data during the call, answer questions confidently, and close the deal on the spot.

Why Do You Need Cloud Telephony Integration With CRM?

What’s the first thing you consider before choosing a service or product? You will check how good their customer service is. All customers expect that they get considerable attention to their grievances if any post-purchase. This shows that the importance of having a seamless communication system like cloud telephony solutions for customers to reach out to the company to get their issues resolved cannot be emphasized enough. 

Still not convinced? Based on statistics, the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the cloud telephony market is expected to exceed 20% between 2018 and 2023. Conversely, companies lose about 25% of their customers annually, primarily due to poor customer service. This is why a technology marvel like the cloud telephony integration with CRM is an increasing requirement among small, medium, and large businesses alike.

With the help of cloud telephony integration with CRM, businesses can retain up to 90% of their customers by providing 24×7 customer service. Whenever the same customer calls, your agents at the other end of the phone can identify them and interact with them in more personal and meaningful conversations. This helps to build a great brand reputation and long time loyalty for customers.

CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions helps unify data from the first stage of the sales process to its last stage effortlessly. As soon as a lead is generated via marketing retaining them for cross-sales and up sales, all data regardless of the communication channel is available for the agents.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Telephony Integration With CRM?

In addition to offering top-notch communications technology, let’s explore how integrating cloud telephony with CRM systems can maximize ROI for businesses, making it a worthy investment:

Track Trends From Customer Analytics

By leveraging customer data from the CRM, businesses can make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction on a broader scale, moving beyond anecdotal experiences.

Cloud telephony integration with CRM acts as a central hub for customer information. It helps to store everything from basic details like name, phone number, and email ID to call recordings and past interactions. This rich data provides interdepartmental value such as the marketing, sales, and support teams with valuable insights in capturing, converting, and retaining customers. 

The customer patterns and habits that the lead tracking software can provide, combined with call data seamlessly integrated into the phone system, empower the marketing department to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing trends and gauging customer satisfaction through call data, they can effectively evaluate different marketing strategies and pinpoint what resonates best with your target audience.

Enhance Lead Management

Cloud telephony integration with CRM acts as a super magnet for lead generation. Firstly, it boosts lead capture by providing a centralized platform to manage all interactions. Secondly, robust CRM features like task assignment and automated follow-up reminders minimize lead leakage, ensuring no potential customer falls through the cracks.

By equipping you with relevant customer information at your fingertips, the CRM empowers you to dominate prospect interactions. You can tailor conversations based on background and preferences, ensuring you deliver the most pertinent information during every call.

Tracking Your Business Efficiently

Cloud telephony integration with CRM systems is a great communication technology attached to a great customer management system. This therefore is not only handling either of them effectively but unifying the two in a single system. With this, you can store all information like customer data and customer interaction data from multiple communication channels like IVR calls, Website form submissions, Whatsapp chat, social media messages, and more into a unified database. 

This system ensures that everything gets tracked not only on your customer end but also on your employee’s end. Your team managers can track and ensure all deals are treated with utmost importance. It also ensures that all customer service request is attended to on time without putting the customer on wait for weeks. Call durations, First response time, and even the entire call can be monitored and tracked.

Deploy Automation

Traditional call center systems drain the energy and time of your employees doing a lot of manual redundant tasks that are not productive like the paperwork and curation of customer profiles. Communication automation services are a benefit that you can receive from cloud telephony integration with CRM so that your employees do not have to indulge in such trivial tasks but focus on the more important ones. 

Leveraging Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology allows businesses to automate calls and schedule them according to customer preferences, eliminating the need for repetitive, impersonal outreach. Customer call history becomes readily available to agents thanks to cloud databases. 

CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions eliminates the need to ask repetitive questions during return calls, as agents can access call details, voicemails, texts, recordings, notes, and past conversations – all in one place. This ensures a smoother experience for the customer by avoiding unnecessary repetition.

In the digital era, automation is essential for delivering a successful customer experience. Businesses that depend on manual call management systems often suffer, as these outdated methods can hinder customer satisfaction and lead generation efforts.

Personalize Customer Experience

Beyond streamlining call handling with detailed caller info, cloud telephony integration with a CRM unlocks a new level of personalization.  This empowers you to tailor welcome messages, voicemails, and greetings to each customer, leveraging their unique preferences for a more positive experience.

This integration extends beyond calls, creating a unified omnichannel support experience for your customers. Whether they reach out via social media, live chat, email, or phone, agents have a complete view of their troubleshooting history and past support cases thanks to CRM integration. This translates to shorter conversations, reduced wait times, and ultimately, happier customers.

Increase Team Productivity

Cloud telephony integration with CRM unlocks a trifecta of benefits: boosted sales, enhanced flexibility, and increased business visibility.  This powerful combination stems from having all your customer data – past transactions, activities, and call history –  centralized within a unified platform. Imagine the sales potential of leveraging this complete customer journey view to tailor your approach and identify upsell opportunities!

It works its magic beyond customer management. CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions empowers you to optimize internal operations as well. Through robust admin features, you can monitor agent status and performance in real-time, ensuring your team functions at peak efficiency.

The integration also enhances your agent productivity since they don’t have to toggle between CRM and cloud phone systems. They can bypass the tedious task of looking up a customer contact page, finding old tickets, and asking about prior interactions.

What Are the Features of Cloud Telephony Integration With CRM?

Let’s look at the highly valued features provided by cloud telephony integration with CRM:

Lead Capturing

When you purchase a CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions, you can make efficient use of your virtual number services. Your virtual number also known as your toll-free number, 1800 number, or PBX number can be linked to your CRM system. This helps you track all lead details wherever they come from. 

So when you create a social media post or a CTA button on your website you can use your virtual number and capture those leads effectively. These callers may reach an accessible agent much quicker than the traditional method. 

You can also use it to capture your website visitors’ details so that you can initiate a conversation that may lead to a conversion. The call volume will increase significantly after you have set up a toll-free number. You can also listen to call history, see caller ID details, set up automated answers, and more.

IVR or Virtual Receptionist

The process of handling incoming calls needs to be manned at all times. You cannot risk not attending to even a single call. This is why IVR services allow incoming callers to be received professionally with a very well-crafted IVR menu that allows them to self-navigate without waiting in a queue or while the agent is putting them on hold. The program facilitates interaction with a computer using DTMF and voice instructions making it very easy to navigate around.

Custom Audio

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) lets you personalize the calling experience with custom audio. Upload greetings, and menus, and even hold music to reflect your brand personality. Keep callers informed with light, upbeat music while you address their concerns behind the scenes. 

The welcome greeting is your IVR’s secret weapon for customer experience. Craft personalized greetings that reflect your company’s current promotions or initiatives. This makes callers feel valued and subtly introduces them to your latest offerings a win-win for engagement and sales.

Call Routing

Using cloud telephony integration with CRM, you unlock the power of intelligent call routing. This ensures no call goes unanswered. The system can automatically distribute incoming calls to available agents, maximizing efficiency and minimizing customer wait times.

Simultaneous Ringing

Simultaneous ringing is a call-routing feature that ensures calls reach the entire team. Any available agent can answer, maximizing the chance of connecting with a customer quickly, even if others are busy.

Sequential Ringing

Never miss a lead again! Sequential calls ensure your customers are never left on the line. When agents are busy, calls are automatically redirected to a designated number, guaranteeing a timely response and a satisfied customer.


In the past, reaching a business through a website could be a hassle for visitors. They might have to hunt for your phone number on your site, in search results, or even in old-school phone directories! However the click-to-call service from CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions changes that. 

Now, with a single click, your website visitors can easily connect with your business by phone. This makes things smoother for them and improves your chances of making a sale or providing support. Click-to-chat and click-to-dial are just different ways of saying the same thing.

Sales Dialer

A sales dialer frees your agents from manually dialing numbers and re-dialing busy lines, saving them precious time to focus on what they do best: connecting with potential customers. By automating the dialing process, sales dialers also eliminate human error, ensuring your team reaches the right people every time. This streamlines your outbound communication and helps you make the most of your sales calls.

There are three main types of dialers from CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions for outbound calls, each with its advantages:

Preview Dialer: This option gives your agents more control. They can see the next call details before dialing, allowing them to research complex sales opportunities or skip to the next call if needed. This is ideal for situations requiring more preparation between calls.

Progressive Dialer: This dialer automatically dials the next number on the list as soon as an agent becomes available. This eliminates waiting time and maximizes agent productivity for calls that follow a similar format.

Predictive Dialer: This is the most aggressive option. It dials multiple numbers simultaneously, anticipating a certain number of unsuccessful calls (like busy signals or voicemails). It then connects live callers to available agents immediately. Predictive dialers are best suited for high-volume, low-margin call centers where maximizing agent efficiency and minimizing call cost are crucial.


While keeping up with customer interactions can feel like a constant game of catch-up, cloud telephony integration with CRM offers a game-changing solution. This powerful combination transforms real-time customer management from a frantic scramble into a smooth, efficient operation.  With all customer data and communication history readily available at your fingertips, your team can personalize interactions, streamline workflows, and leverage valuable insights to close deals faster. 

Imagine agents equipped to address customer concerns immediately. This eliminates the need for frustrating hold times and information retrieval. Cloud telephony and CRM working together unlock a new level of responsiveness, putting you firmly in control of the customer experience and paving the way for long-term business success.

Ready to Choose a Cloud Telephony Integration With CRM?

With Office24by7 CRM integrations, you can gain complete access and mobility to a rich communication ecosystem. Office24by7 cloud phone system can easily integrate with your organization’s current CRM system to automate every part of your customer interactions.

You can now affordably unleash the power of seamless communication with Office24by7’s CRM integration with cloud telephony solutions. Their cloud phone system effortlessly integrates with your existing CRM, automating every step of your customer interactions. This translates to complete access and mobility within a rich communication ecosystem.

Office24by7 is an office automation software provider that supports integration with numerous other software in addition to the cloud telephony integration with CRM. Telephony and SMS integrations, email integrations, calendar integrations, search engine integrations, social media integrations, and virtual meet integrations are all available.

If are you still confused about how you can get the best deal from cloud telephony integration with CRM then why not give Office24by7 a try? Call us right now at +91 70971 71717!

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