What is Cloud Telephony: Know Everything About It

by Nov 17, 2022Cloud Telephony

The constant pace of technological change keeps businesses on their toes. And one such upheaval is the introduction of the “cloud” in communication. Let’s get some answers to the question, “What is cloud telephony?”. 

Before the advent of cloud telephony software, every business needed to employ its IT department to track all the wires and gadgets. We took these measures to guarantee effective internal and external communication.  

When new technologies finally reached their limit, these components—the cables, the hardware, the software—became antiquated. Cloud telephony software, on the other hand, eliminates the need for on-premises hardware, software licenses, and IT staff. 

Companies using cloud telephony services need an interface to connect to the phone system’s server and begin making and receiving calls.  

What is Cloud Telephony?

With cloud telephony software, all phone systems are controlled remotely through the internet. Clients may use this service by connecting to it online. This cloud-based service also provides users a web interface for interacting with the service.

Companies using cloud telephony should inform their service providers of any such adjustments. There is no human intervention required; everything else is managed mechanically. 

The best Hosted call center service is another name for cloud telephony, whereas cloud communication refers to using the internet to make and receive phone calls. Some of the more alluring aspects of cloud telephony services are call recording, IVR system, integrated reporting, and number masking. 

Cloud Telephony: How does it work?

Cloud telephony relies on a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) protocol. Voice calls via a cloud phone system are sent digitally over the Internet rather than a traditional landline.

VoIP technology allows the transmission of voice calls over the Internet by digitizing and packetizing the audio. When the voice signals reach their destination, they are transformed back into analog form to be heard.

Let’s look at how incoming and outgoing calls are handled via cloud telephony services in India

Incoming Calls in the Cloud: How Does It Operate?

Many calls in India are made to other countries regarding cloud telephony services in India. Learn more about incoming phone calls. We ask that you keep on reading. 

A public phone number may be used to receive calls. Virtual numbers that may be advertised via missed call marketing are the norm for published numbers.

When a consumer dials one of these public numbers, their call will be transferred to you over PRI lines. Call routing rules may be customized using cloud telephony’s sophisticated capabilities. Cloud telephony allows you to integrate your CRM software with call distribution policies.

Calls are routed to the designated Agent numbers once the user hears the IVR software prompts and makes a selection, if applicable. Members of your team might have either a landline or a mobile number.

In the end, you’ll get a text message alerting you that the call has been recorded and a recording of the call itself.

How do outbound calls function with cloud telephony? 

Businesses employ dialers or unified sales and marketing CRMs to conduct outbound calls. How outbound calls function with cloud telephony is as follows; 

  • Agents may phone clients with the press of a button in the CRM software. 
  • The CRM software makes a call to the remote servers through an API request. 
  • The server initiates communication with the agent, who then contacts the client.
  • After a consumer picks up, a bridging call is immediately placed. 

Busting 5 Common Misconceptions About Cloud Phone Systems

Following are five misunderstandings widely held about cloud telephony:

First Fallacy: We Live in a Complicated Cyberworld 

It’s often believed that cloud telephony raises the probability of a security incident. Companies of a smaller size worry that using the cloud would cost too much. In addition, customers are understandably alarmed by the system’s very existence. 


Service providers always deploy top-tier firewalls and encryption software when protecting customer information. Furthermore, it helps to deter any outside assault. The security has greatly improved despite the rise in the number of validation levels. 

Location and browser history are stored. To access the cloud, users must first create an account. Most service providers will have accreditation from organizations like ISO and NASSCOM. 

Second Fallacy: Overbearing Laws and Rules

Most businesses just take for granted that their customers know how to use a standard telephone. To make good use of cloud services, certain regulations must be followed. When switching to cloud services, getting a new phone number might be a hassle.


Most cloud telephony providers are responsible for their compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The business should not worry about it. Because of the providers’ attention to detail, expanding internationally is less hassle for companies. Service providers provide a convenient multi-channel platform to help you save time and energy. 

Third Fallacy: Massive IT Departments Cause Company Disruption 

Assumptions have been made that an organization’s status quo must be altered to make room for new technologies. The company’s bottom line may suffer as a result. A sizable IT staff must be highly alert for cloud telephony software to function properly.


Most service providers now use electronic mail to provide this kind of information. Next, the selected telephones are set up and linked to the local area network (LAN). This may be done in a few hours under the right conditions. 

With a few clicks of your mouse, you may begin using the cloud service provided by several cloud telephony providers. Extra programs or hardware are unnecessary. A sizable IT department is unnecessary. Service providers can take care of any technological problems. 

Fourth Fallacy: New versions have to be paid for 

It’s often believed that cloud services need a hefty financial commitment for infrastructure and maintenance. The business’s growth is also hindered. 


The primary goal of cloud-based phone systems is cost reduction. Cloud computing may use preexisting telecommunications infrastructure. It’s easier, and you won’t need as many people if you do this. The firm may cut ties with unnecessary providers as a result. 

As a result, the business saves money by not having to implement any expensive upgrades. What’s more, it guarantees that you’ll pay for nothing more than what you use. The service providers handle the updates at no extra cost, thereby reducing the overall cost of ownership. 

Fifth Fallacy: Solving Issues Takes Time 

Problem resolution takes a long time. After hours, the company may have trouble contacting cloud telephony service provider in India


Cloud telephony service companies provide customer support around the clock, every day of the week. They are always eager to lend a hand to local companies in any way they can. The corporation has the right to request immediate resolution of any problem.

Advantages of a Cloud-Based Telephone Service

The advantages of cloud-based telephony systems are many. Some of the most well-known are listed here. 

Electronic or computer-generated number 

The use of a virtual phone number services, often known as a toll-free or PBX number for a business. This virtual phone number is hosted in the cloud and facilitates improved customer service. 

As a result, callers may quickly reach an accessible agent. Someone from the firm will respond immediately to their concerns. 

Toll-Free Number

The call volume will increase significantly after you have set up a toll-free number. You can also listen to call history, see caller ID details, set up automated answers, and more. 

The 1800 number is a free, easy-to-remember corporate contact number. It enables patrons to make cost-free inbound calls, facilitating instant interaction with the business. As a bonus, it helps find untapped markets and improves the efficacy of advertising campaigns. 

IVR Calling System, or Interactive Voice Response System 

The process of handling incoming phone calls is completely automated by using IVR calling system in India. It all starts with a personalized welcome message and self-service options. In this approach, the solution gives each caller a unique experience. 

There are also drop-down choices for further assistance options. The IVRS allows for simple management of all incoming call center software. It’s a great way to have direct communication with customers and agents. The program facilitates interaction with a computer using DTMF and voice instructions. 

Intelligent routing allows callers to choose their preferred path through the system. The following are some of the features of IVR that have proven indispensable to modern corporations:

  • A warm welcome and many thanks.
  • It’s an interactive voice response system with both a single and several menus.
  • The potential number of divisions is unlimited.
  • An intelligent routing system has been created that considers knowledge, communication, and time.
  • Automatic call distribution may be set to round-robin, priority, or ring-all.
  • For instance, we have notifications like MOH and queue counters in queue management.
  • Create a sales prospect.
  • Actions may be taken automatically in response to a call, such as informing the user or sending an SMS to the caller.
  • The user will be notified via email immediately.
  • Disguising Numbers

This state-of-the-art method of protecting sensitive information facilitates open lines of dialogue. Businesses may use a number masking service to ensure communication safety between their staff and consumers. Their users’ anonymity is protected since they each have a unique virtual phone number services in India. 

Incomplete Call 

Thanks to a missed call service provider, it is easier for businesses to get back in touch with the people who have called but have not been answered. A dialer may link a caller to a voice robot, an interactive voice response system, or a human operator. 

The useful applications of a missed call service are many. The number of leads generated, the reach of marketing, the intensity of the campaign, and the simplicity of integrating CRM are all upsides. 

Phone Calls Made Automatically 

The problem may be fixed with a high-tech communication system that can get in touch with callers in a shorter amount of time. It’s useful for spreading the word about sales, discounts, and new offerings to the intended demographic. We do this by capturing the dialogue in an unattended manner. It’s useful for getting the word out about the firm and its products and services and convincing potential customers to purchase.


Customer service representatives use the CRM dialer to make outbound calls and connect incoming calls to the appropriate department. As a result, they may generate more interest—and money—from potential customers. 

Sales might be lost if your CRM doesn’t include a dialer. Dialer systems let you get more done in less time. An investment in a CRM software dialer’s many calling modes might pay dividends in increased sales. 

Three distinct dialing methods exist preview, progressive, and predictive. Preview Dialer is a one-button manual dialer for making outgoing calls. 

Calls may be made automatically by progressive and predictive dialers after they get an uploaded contact list and connect with agents to converse. The former will move the calls forward in a predetermined order, while the latter will let you choose ratios between calls. 


Your consumers may speak directly with a company executive with a simple button click. It’s also known as “click to chat” or “click to dial.” 

Customers’ methods of contact are evolving due to click-to-call services. You can improve customer service, boost sales, and delight customers with your website. It benefits companies in several ways, including cost-cutting, profit maximization, and other financial success metrics. 

Analytics of Telephone Calls 

Only with reliable information can your business grow and succeed. Learn your strengths and areas for development. 

lead tracking analytics of your phone calls may help you get this data. Calls may be recorded, compiled, analyzed, and reported on with its help. Caller history and other call-related details may be uncovered using this information. Companies may get valuable insights into their marketing efforts by analyzing their call logs.

A campaign’s success may be gauged by monitoring several KPIs that reveal where calls come from. In addition, this information may help companies get the most out of their investments. 

Taping Phone Calls 

Sustaining and growing your client base depends on the quality of your interactions with them. To record your phone calls, we use software that records the audio of your conversations. These note-taking strategies are the most efficient I’ve found. Managers might utilize recordings of calls with customers as a kind of refresher training. 

Custom Dashboards 

This feature makes it possible to monitor callers’ statistics even while you’re not at your desk. To get insights, just move the data about by dragging and dropping it. Insights may be generated and shown in any manner you choose with analysis, allowing for more well-informed decision-making. 

Combining Traditional Phone Systems with Cloud-Based VoIP 

Keeping track of phone calls, tickets, leads, and other company data across many platforms is a hassle. Integrating all systems into a single interface is the sole option for accessing client data. 

The nicest part of the cloud telephony solution is the API connections. Well-defined APIs link your phone system across channels, making it straightforward. 

APIs allow customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and help desk tools to retrieve information. The information is subsequently sent to your staff as a pop-up. It’s also possible for it to send back useful information like call logs, recordings, and statistics to other applications. Thus, information integrity is preserved throughout the operation. 

Agent CTI

In contrast to traditional phone systems, cloud-based VoIP services need little to no training. It has a built-in dialer that allows you to make phone calls. It also facilitates the agent’s ability to take incoming calls without hassle. Agent CTI’s intuitive design ensures that its users never have to leave the app to accomplish their goals. 

With a press of a button, agents may use CTI to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, create and send emails, set up reminders, and schedule follow-up calls. The agents may utilize this to change the status of a call, add a note, start a conference call, or transfer a call to another agent. Active calls and call history are both managed via this user interface. 

Agent CTI allows agents to handle all aspects of a call from their desktops or dashboards. This is a common piece of equipment in call centers. 

Agent CTI provides a unified interface for managing high call volumes and improving sales communications. 

Agents may do more than just answer and make calls with the help of a data-driven strategy that makes it easy to see their clients’ call histories. Agent CTI is a smart method of managing a call center since it looks forward to the expansion of a company. 

Convergence of calls 

Any incoming calls may be routed to a different number, whether a desk phone, mobile phone, or an internal extension. To protect just your phone number, do this. Scheduled call forwarding may be set up to occur at certain times of the day or week or even on specific holidays. 

To another phone number through the call forwarding function. Cloud-based software makes virtual call forwarding simple and useful for managing several offices from a central hub. 

The feature of call forwarding also enables consumers to reroute incoming calls. It may be used to merge different service providers into one. 

How to get the most out of Cloud Telephony? 

There are several advantages to your company’s cloud telephony solution. You may enhance your company operations and save costs by moving them to the cloud. However, optimizing your telephone system is necessary to reap the system’s full rewards. Some methods are listed below.

1. Find out whether inbound or outbound communication is needed. 

While satisfied customers should be the focus of every successful business, many different ways exist. Most clients prefer to speak to a live person over the phone during an emergency. 

As a result, keeping in touch by phone is crucial to keeping clients happy. Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, let’s explore the need for cloud telephony and how to recognize it. Your business may benefit from a full range of communication tools, including inbound and outbound calls, SMS alerts, missed call services, IVR systems, and more. 

You may want to consider asking the following:

  • To what end is this service being provided?
  • What are our goals?
  • Are our goals and the aims of the service compatible?
  • What metrics will be used to determine whether or not it was successful?

These reactions will provide a great blueprint for the services to expand upon in the future. Their financial effect may be evaluated using this information.

2. It’s important to find the right provider

More than a thousand companies provide cloud telephony services. To choose the most suitable provider, please examine the following checklist. 

  • Can you record phone conversations with this provider?
  • Is text messaging (SMS) a part of the package deal?
  • Which method will be used to integrate the API?
  • Does your team back you up well?

You should also consider how much it will cost to make a call, how long it will take to deliver, and what extra features would cost. 

3. Alternatives for customization 

Setting up a cloud telephony system is often easy. I would appreciate you finding a way to make it even more special. Is it possible you’re dreaming? Yes, it is a solution that can be tailor-made to match your unique company requirements. 

People in our culture are used to having things done just for them, making customization a must. 

Consumers increasingly expect to be able to tailor practically everything to their desires. On top of their game, companies employ personalization to provide clients with a service that is second to none. The same may be true of services and products offered by cloud telephony providers. You may save your IVR conversations, collect and organize SMS templates, and create reports based on your chosen criteria. 

4. Possibility of effortless use 

For our purposes, “ease of use” is shorthand for “scalability,” or how well a system can take on additional work. When assessing the efficacy of your program, this factor is crucial. Meanwhile, usability isn’t always clear, so it’s easy to ignore it in the planning stage. 

Despite this, growth is certain. The software’s scalability is key since more data and users must be accommodated. If your telephonic solutions aren’t flexible enough to meet the needs of a changing market, you risk degrading the quality of your customer support. As a result, trust between the company and its customers is broken, and the public’s perception of the company suffers. 

The simplicity of cloud solutions means you won’t have to fret about shifting market conditions. Cloud computing can adapt to any situation, including changing client tastes and rising demand. 

Simple expansion or contraction in response to market conditions. It’s something to think about while designing your cutting-edge telecommunications infrastructure.

5. Integration’s degrees of freedom 

Gaining an edge over the competition is easily accomplished via strategic integrations. They make it possible to get all the relevant data and guarantee its accuracy in one place. When mundane jobs are mechanized, people have greater mental bandwidth for strategic thinking and problem-solving. 

Integration is helpful for systems that can “talk” to one another and share information in real-time. Such data greatly enhance the integration capabilities of cloud computing. 

Therefore, you should constantly search for the most integration possibilities while setting up your communication solutions. Data could flow freely, and people could easily move between vital industries if this happens. 

Benefits of Cloud Telephony Integrated with CRM

There are numerous advantages to using a cloud-based customer service platform, including phone functionality. Among the many advantages of customer retention and output are those listed below. 

1. Auto dialer for business 

Your sales team will be more efficient with the sales dialer since less time will be spent making calls manually, and human error will be eliminated. All in all, it simplifies and streamlines your outgoing communication by automating the dialing processes. 

2. Multiple simultaneous calls (Group ringing) 

Call routing is the first step in setting up your virtual phone system. When a phone group receives an incoming call, it is distributed among the available phones in that group. 

Each agent in a call group will get calls on their lines according to the call allocation guidelines. Each call group has a unique number or an interactive voice response menu that may be accessed similarly.

There is a decrease in response time and increased service quality with group ringing. 

3. Sequential calls 

When your representatives are on the phone, you may forward all incoming calls to another extension. Thanks to the consecutive calls feature, you can be certain that your customers’ complaints will be heard and handled after every one of their calls. 

4. Warmest regards, with a personal touch 

Better serve your customers by greeting them when they call with a prerecorded message. In addition, providing personalized welcomes on phone calls may make customers feel appreciated and at peace. 

How Your Business Can Benefit from Integrating Cloud Telephony with CRM?

Integrating cloud phone systems with CRM software provides an extra useful feature that speeds up and improves the quality of customer support. Let’s analyze how these potent technological answers help businesses succeed and increase profits: 

1. Tracking business activity for the greater good 

Manual call management solutions hinder companies whose success depends on providing specialized services to customers and generating new leads. Since this is the case, it’s clear that automation is the key to providing excellent customer service, especially in the modern digital era. 

The unique characteristics of integrating cloud telephony with CRM software enable you to monitor information from various sources. Calls may be prescheduled automatically using IVR based on consumer preferences. 

Contacting clients frequently is unnecessary. Everything related to a customer’s interaction with an agent is stored in the cloud and may be accessed by any agent at any time. 

2. Data mining for customer insights

Almost every data imaginable about clients may be found in the CRM software database. Information collected may include contact details (including names, addresses, companies, email addresses, and telephone numbers) and recordings of any calls made to or from those numbers. The marketing team needs these numbers badly to better aid the sales department in generating leads and closing deals. 

A company that keeps meticulous records on its customers might learn a lot about its clients by looking at patterns in their behavior. Call logs from your company’s phone system may also evaluate new marketing strategies and determine customer satisfaction. CRM software data can increase customer happiness by encouraging adjustments based on statistics rather than a single customer’s opinion. 

3. Deliver a one-of-a-kind experience to every client 

Agents may quickly get detailed information about each incoming call when cloud telephony and CRM software are integrated. It’s also quite adaptable to individual tastes. 

The greeting and voicemail may be personalized. Providing unified support across social media, live chat, email, and other channels is also possible. As a result of CRM software integration, agents can access customer service records and review previous issues and requests for help. Consequently, there is less of a need for customers to wait while their exchange is processed, and as a consequence, their overall pleasure with the process increases. 

4. Optimize your lead management process 

Integrating your call solutions with a customer relationship management system can provide access to more leads and help you stop lost leads. Good customer relationship management software lets you delegate jobs to employees. Automatic follow-up reminders may be sent so you don’t forget about a potential lead. 

Client Relationship Management enables you to; 

  • Prospect Management
  • Give Helpful Advice Over the Phone, and
  •  Learn about their history and likes.

5. Raising productivity 

Integration between cloud phone systems and customer relationship management systems facilitates monitoring of both external and internal processes. Using administrative tools, you may monitor the health and efficiency of your agents. 

Agent productivity is boosted due to the connection since they no longer have to toggle between customer relationship management (CRM) and cloud phone systems. Looking for a customer service website, tracking out old tickets, and asking about earlier encounters are all unnecessary hassles that may be avoided. 

What is Making Cloud Telephony So Popular in India?

In India, many people are switching to using cloud telephony. Some of the reasons why cloud telephony is gaining traction in India are as follows: 

The deployment time for cloud telephony solutions may be reduced because no additional hardware or software is needed. The services are available for a fraction of the price of traditional contact centers, and the solutions provide access to a wide range of premium options. Even for less substantial enterprises, this guarantees increased production. 

Cloud telephony systems are very scalable, allowing greater ease of management. 

The cloud technology systems allows agents to operate from various locations while being easily accessible to clients. Because of the anytime, anyplace policy, you can easily set up shop in several places and staff them with agents without draining your resources. It’s also useful for mobile workers like sales representatives in the field. 

Cloud telephony systems, enabled by AI, transforms the conventional contact management software into a call center 2.0. It makes possible smart features like chatbots that can respond in real-time to the customer’s needs. 

Very Customizable – Cloud software solutions are highly flexible regarding deployment and usage. Your business and field-specific requirements may be included in the program.

You’ve found the perfect technology partner to help you realize the rewards of cloud telephony services in India. If you’re looking for a cloud telephony partner, consider Office24by7. 

Advantages or Disadvantages of Cloud Technology

Cloud telephony has established itself as a viable option. On a worldwide and Indian scale, many new service providers are entering the market. 

Cloud telephony system is preferable to conventional phone systems because of its many advantages. There is no need for kilometers of cable running through MDFs, expensive specialized equipment, or constant in-house monitoring. 

You can control your telecommunications infrastructure without any help from humans. In addition, cloud telephony software allows you to build personalized IVR call flows, which may greatly improve your call routing accuracy. Mobility is also crucial to the success of cloud telephony. 

Your cloud telephony service is accessible from any place on the earth. Simply register for our mailing list! You will always get through no matter how many people are calling at once or how busy it is. 

The use cases for cloud telephony extend well beyond corporate settings. Anyone with a website or an IT application may utilize cloud telephony. 

For what reason does it exist? A reliable computerized phone system, adaptable to different call volumes, cheap, and very effective, made exactly to order. The added benefit of mobility with less maintenance is another potential outcome. 

Since cloud telephony entered India’s business sector, many software as a service companies have set up shop there. This has resulted in many novel improvements and additions to the technology. 

The nation’s small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) will be interested in cloud telephony. This is useful for companies of any size. All it takes to set up a reliable method of conducting business communication is to register, purchase a phone number, and start taking calls.

Thus, Cloud telephony is growing in popularity in India, which is promising. The advent of cloud telephony is, without a doubt, a boon. The telecom industry is poised for cloud telephony to become the next big thing. 

Can Every Business Take Advantage of Cloud-Based Phone Systems?

In the telecommunications sector, calling your customers is crucial. To achieve outstanding customer service, we appreciate every contact with our clients. 

Currently, organizations of all sizes and types use state-of-the-art communication systems. 

Cloud-based telephone services provide various options for managing a business’s clientele. They are seen as the future wave for corporate phone systems everywhere. 

Most businesses rely on unified communication systems to meet each customer’s requirements. Further, businesses want to integrate all available lines of communication into a single, streamlined system to boost customer satisfaction via responsiveness. 

Telecom expenditures may be reduced using a cloud-based phone system since setting up, managing, and maintaining is less complicated. For many companies, cloud telephony is the preferred method of contact with their customers. 

Calling someone and leaving a message is no longer enough. These days, a centralized system for monitoring client calls is essential. The idea behind cloud telephony was to assist companies in making money and fulfilling the needs of internal company communications.

Cloud telephone service and government agencies in the fight against the COVID-19

Cloud telephony services has benefitted Indian businesses and government offices. When faced with the worldwide epidemic, government institutions worldwide have struggled. Cloud telephony, however, has helped agencies successfully face the difficulties of Covid-19.

In this article, we will briefly go through the history of cloud telephony, particularly cloud contact centers, and their subsequent rise to prominence. 

Setting up shop from afar 

Cloud telephony finally put the public’s mind at ease regarding telecommuting. It’s user-friendly and quick to set up, so execs can do their jobs from anywhere. 

These government officials could continue working conscientiously from a distance despite the chaos of a worldwide epidemic. 

Cloud telephony has simplified and streamlined many aspects of the communication process. Remote work arrangements would be simple for government agencies, allowing them to provide around-the-clock service to the public.  

Cloud telephony in India allowed government offices to keep their phones on and accessible around the clock during the COVID-19 crisis. As may be expected in a crisis like Covid-19, people were lost and afraid. 

With the help of cloud telephony, telecommunications providers could give the general public accurate information. For instance, details on the results of not adhering to Covid protocols like mask use, hand washing, and maintaining emotional distance would be useful. 

A great deal of publicity resulted. There are so many people in India that using cloud telephony was the best way to get through to them all at once. Because it kept in touch with users, cloud telephony could keep their faith in it. 

Cloud telephony also provided up-to-the-minute details. Vaccine dosages, results from antigen testing, RTPC test results, hospital locations and bed availability, etc. Cloud telephony has been credited with preventing unnecessary deaths. 

Telephony in the Cloud and Intelligent Machines

Texting, auto-replies to emails, and chatbots are all commonplace examples of AI in human communication. 

Using AI and asking for its assistance in handling service calls may be a good idea. This is especially true when companies are short on staff, run a lean model, or have a rapidly expanding customer base. 

A chatbot or webchat utilizing artificial intelligence can ease text communications for every company that uses it. Better voice communications are another area where AI can help. 

It’s possible that AI call center agents won’t be able to replace human operators completely. However, it can improve the ease with which staff members can ask questions of one another in the course of internal communications. 

Providing details and suggestions expedites the procedure, decreases wait times over the phone, and boosts productivity. Inform us of how AI may improve cloud telephony: 

Synchronizing disparate data sources 

Executives at call centers often divide their time between taking calls and responding to texts. Artificial intelligence allows for transcribing phone calls and consolidating written and spoken correspondence into a single repository. 

This is particularly helpful for clients that engage with your business over various platforms. 

It is feasible for an agent to evaluate the customer’s interactions with the company’s overall channels. Web, app, chat, email, and phone are all examples of these contact methods. With everything in place, we can guarantee superior service to our clients. 

Effectiveness & rapidity 

Conversations over the phone may be transcribed in real-time with the help of AI techniques. The process of doing a text search is well-known to be quick, simple, and straightforward.

To help solve a customer’s problem, a service representative may utilize several applications that help them choose keywords, sort through massive amounts of data, and provide guidance. Through attentive listening, the agent shortens the conversation’s duration and creates a more personal connection with the consumer. 

A majority of businesses keep a log of common complaints. They have software that will search the database for answers depending on the criteria they set. All this information is being used to teach AI to do one thing: make the agent’s job easier. 

Taking care of fundamental needs 

About sixty percent of client calls are simple requests to check on the status of an order, change a password, etc. 

For this same purpose, an IVR system was created. The customer selects an option from a list of standard requests, and their request is fulfilled. 

AI makes it easier and faster for customers to resolve common issues than it was with the traditional IVR system. This frees up the resource’s time, allowing them to take on more difficult problems. 

Cloud telephony has significant promise for AI applications. This benefit is simple, and it always guarantees excellent service quality to customers. 


A cloud telephony solution is perfect for every successful business in a crowded market. Help your company flourish by contacting Office24by7’s automation software tool at +91 7097171717 or sales@office24by7.com right now!

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