User Fields

User fields are the fields used to create a user object, like a new user account. During the user creation process, you can choose the fields to display in the user object according to the information you need to capture.

While you start creating the user object, the fields ‘User Name’, ‘Phone Number’, ‘Email ID’, ‘Password’, and ‘Reporting To’ will be open in the workspace by default. You won’t be able to remove these fields. This is because these fields are mandatory when creating user accounts. You can create other fields in the object on the go.


Note: The following actions can be performed in all the fields:

  • Edit the label name and description.
  • Select the description type (No description, Tooltip, Help text). 
  • Opt if there should be no duplicate value.
  • Mark the field as mandatory.
  • Set a default value in the field.


User Name

This field captures the name of the user. It will be the first field in the object by default and is mandatory for account creation purposes. You can make the following edits in the ‘User Name’ field:

Login With Text:

  • Facilitate the login with text, email ID, mobile number, or object while editing user fields.
  • Set the validation criteria including allowing special characters, numbers, and lowercase/uppercase by clicking the checkbox.
  • If you want to set a text limit for login ID, click the checkbox and type in the character limit.

Login With Email ID:

  • If you’re selecting login with the email ID, you can verify it through OTP or text by clicking the checkbox.
  • ‘Login With OTP’ will send an OTP to the entered email ID, which then should be verified for logging in.
  • ‘Login With Text’ lets you create a password to log in. This password can also be validated for special characters, numbers, lowercase/uppercase, and character limits.

Login With Phone Number:

  • If you’re selecting login with the phone number, you can verify them through OTP or text by clicking the checkbox.
  • ‘Login With OTP’ will send an OTP to the entered phone number, which then should be verified for logging in.
  • ‘Login With Phone Number’ lets you create a password to log in. This password can also be validated for special characters, numbers, lowercase/uppercase, and character limits.

Login With Object:

You can also facilitate login with an object. After selecting ‘Object’, select the object and field for user name and password from the dropdowns that appear below. 

Phone Number

Capture the phone number of the user while creating an account or logging in with the phone number field. You can make the following edits in the ‘Phone Number’ field:

  • Choose to display country code, ISO code, and phone type.
  • Select the default country code to display.
  • Turn on phone number verification.

Email ID

Add the user’s email ID to verify their login credentials. You can make the following edits in the ‘Email ID’ field:

  • Choose to display email type.
  • Perform domain validation and email verification.
  • Set the maximum number of characters that can be entered as email IDs.


Enable a secure login process by creating passwords for users in the password field. Create password conditions like minimum length, inclusion of symbols, case constraints, etc. to avoid weak passwords and ensure maximum security. 

OTP Authentication

This field lets you send OTP messages to the user’s registered phone number, in order to verify their identity before permitting them into the platform. 


If you need to capture any part of the user’s name other than the first name, you can add the ‘Name’ field in the object. You can make the following edits in the ‘Name’ field:

  • Customize the field as a prefix, middle name, last name, or suffix.
  • Set the minimum and maximum number of characters.

Text Box

You can rename this field to capture any additional information you need from the user. You can make the following edits in the ‘Text Box’ field:

  • Set this field’s validation as full text (alphabets only), string (alphabets, numbers, & special characters), alphanumeric (alphabets & numbers only), or custom.
  • Set the maximum characters limit.

You can add a dropdown menu in the user panel using this field. The dropdown menus can be entered in the ‘Field Values’ cell separated by the enter key. 

Reporting To

Record who the user has to report to using this field. 


Capture the address of the user using this field for more detailed data about the user. You can make the following edits in the ‘Address’ field:

  • Allow address entry in either manual, geolocation-based, or standard format.
  • In manual format, you can type in the user’s address.
  • In geolocation format, you can search for and choose the user’s location from the field.
  • Under standard format, you will be presented with fields for address, country, city, state, and postal code.


Radio buttons are used to simplify the option selection by allowing you to choose one item from multiple options. This field allows you to place a radio button in the object to check the user’s choice from binary options (e.g., true/false, yes/no). 


This field can be used to enter dates like date of birth or date of joining. You can make the following edits in the ‘Date’ field:

  • Choose whether to display the date, date range, or days to select from.
  • Change the date format (DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, etc.)
  • Select whether you want to include dates from the past or future in the calendar.
  • Choose the range of selectable days you want to display in the calendar.


This field can be used to capture any required time. You can make the following edits in the ‘Time’ field:

  • Change the time format to a 12-hour or 24-hour format.
  • Select whether to display time or time range for the user to choose from.
  • Choose the range of days you want to allow the user to select time from.

Date and Time

Instead of separate fields for date and time, you can capture them both together using the date and time field. All the edits mentioned in the ‘Date’ and ‘Time’ fields can be customized in the ‘Date and Time’ field. 

Upload File

Upload any important file relating to the user using this field. You can make the following edits in the ‘Upload File’ field:

  • Select which type of file you want to permit (image or document).
  • Choose which file types you support, to let the user know (JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, DOC, PPT, or XLS).
  • Display which file size unit you want to mention (KB or MB).
  • Set the maximum file size that you allow.


Enable the ‘URL’ field to provide any important URLs. This can be useful for users to provide portfolios, websites, online profiles, etc.